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rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using?

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rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using? Empty rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using?

Post by DaveFury Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:02 am

Hello All,

Well, I removed one of the quarter panels on the '76 Cutlass and it could also use rear wheel wells. What is everyone using? Are 68-72 A bodies close? Any info would be great,

Dave W.
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rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using? Empty Re: rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using?

Post by dynchel Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:03 pm

While I've never done this I believe '72 parts are usually modded to fit.
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rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using? Empty Re: rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using?

Post by chevellelaguna Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:47 pm

I'd like to see a side by side to see just how different the pre 73 wheel wells are. Most people just repair the outter arch, I'm sure you could modify the older style wheel well, and just use the outer lip. Change the arch if need be. I'm going to be at that stage soon, cut the quarters off. Have to get the heater set up in the garage first.
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rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using? Empty Re: rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using?

Post by DaveFury Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:35 pm

chevellelaguna wrote:I'd like to see a side by side to see just how different the pre 73 wheel wells are.

Yeah, me too. I suppose I can patch the outer lips. I just figured someone had tried a set of 68-72 A body wells. I also heard that 70-81 Camaro ones are are close.

Dave W.
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rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using? Empty Re: rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using?

Post by chevellelaguna Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:07 am

The camaro ones are affordable too, usually around $70-$100 a side.
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rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using? Empty Re: rear outer wheel wells what's everyone using?

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