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Rear wheel inner fenders .

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Rear wheel inner fenders .  Empty Rear wheel inner fenders .

Post by 74 chevelle malibu Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:34 pm

I'm sure I'm not first one that needs to repace the inners as well as Quarter panel . I have found plenty of skins for the outer but what is anyone using for the inners ? Will 2 gen chevelle ones work ? Or is there better fitting ones ?
74 chevelle malibu
74 chevelle malibu
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Rear wheel inner fenders .  Empty Re: Rear wheel inner fenders .

Post by dynchel Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:43 pm

IIRC people have modified '72 chevelle ones to work.
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Rear wheel inner fenders .  Empty Re: Rear wheel inner fenders .

Post by Wallyuph Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:14 pm

dynchel wrote:IIRC people have modified '72 chevelle ones to work.

That's what I did. It works not the greatest but better than nothing.
[url=[url=https://servimg.com/view/17248508/413]Rear wheel inner fenders .  Img_2510

I fit it to the new quarter before I welded it it on the the car. Then temp hung new quarter and shifted inner for best fit tacked it in place then removed new outer and finished welding inner in place. If that makes sense.
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Rear wheel inner fenders .  Empty Re: Rear wheel inner fenders .

Post by steveshotrodheaven Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:46 am

The Parts Place says they have them, I haven't checked personally but here's the link. https://www.thepartsplaceinc.com/

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Rear wheel inner fenders .  Empty Re: Rear wheel inner fenders .

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