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Help finding parents '74 Monte 454

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Help finding parents '74 Monte 454 Empty Help finding parents '74 Monte 454

Post by Chicken4U2 Sat Jul 07, 2018 6:01 pm

​​Need help finding a 1974 Monte Carlo 454 that my parents sold in the early to mid 80s (even though I begged them not to!). The next owner purchased it from Lee F Slaughter, then traded it in to Townsend Brothers in Delaware. He had restored it to factory specs before trading it. It was a brown/bronze color with a cream(?) vinyl top, and swivel bucket seats. Not sure if it's possible to tell, but I do know it no longer has original windshield. We have not been able to find any papers with Vin yet, but are still looking. Attached is the only pic I have for now. Any leads are greatly appreciated!! Help finding parents '74 Monte 454 1312210

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Help finding parents '74 Monte 454 Empty Re: Help finding parents '74 Monte 454

Post by ant7377 Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:51 pm

I always look at them . If I spot it I will contact you.
G3GM Addict
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Help finding parents '74 Monte 454 Empty Re: Help finding parents '74 Monte 454

Post by Chicken4U2 Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:38 am


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Help finding parents '74 Monte 454 Empty Re: Help finding parents '74 Monte 454

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