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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

cees klumper
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by BAS-Sr Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:44 pm

New to this site, wondering how many of you have el Camino's?

As you can see in my avatar, I have a '75 el Camino SS, original drivetrain (400SBC, Turbo 350, 2.73 posi) swivel buckets, AC, Cruise, Tach/gauges, PW, original 54k miles. Just put 15x8 ralley's with BFG TA 255/60's on it.

I don't see a way to add pictures to a post here? How do you share info?
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by dynchel Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:02 pm

Pila, & jb2wheeler would be the two regular posters that come to mind.  The easiest way to post pictures is to link to photo bucket.

Last edited by dynchel on Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added details)
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by Mcarlo77 Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:19 pm

Cees has the "Earl" camino and Shaunaconda has that sweet '75 SS Elkie .
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by driveit Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:51 pm

Wish I had one and if I did it would look like this.  I love this thing! It is one of my favorite renderings that I have done.
How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Earl_c10
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by pila Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:44 pm

Welcome BAS..steelybill here ! Very Happy  I'm Pila on this forum !

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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by JB2wheeler Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:51 pm

Welcome BAS-SR. You have a very nice car/truck there. I believe there is a waiting period for new members before they can post pics, something like maybe 10 days. I HAVE A 74 eLKIE WITH 48,000 MILES ON IT. iT CAME FROM THE FACTORY WITH THE GREAT 400 Sb ENGINE. uNFORTUNATELY i PUT A LARGER ENGINE IN IT RIGHT BEFORE GAS PRICES SKYROCKETED. jb2WHEELER Sorry about the caps, I am too lazy to retype it.
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by BAS-Sr Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:34 am

pila wrote:Welcome BAS..steelybill here ! Very Happy   I'm Pila on this forum !

Hey Bill, glad to see a familiar face!

I guess you are one of the fellow G3GM'ers who have an el Camino too!
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by BAS-Sr Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:36 am

JB2wheeler wrote:Welcome BAS-SR. You have a very nice car/truck there. I believe there is a waiting period for new members before they can post pics, something like maybe 10 days. I HAVE A 74 eLKIE WITH 48,000 MILES ON IT. iT CAME FROM THE FACTORY WITH THE GREAT 400 Sb ENGINE. uNFORTUNATELY i PUT A LARGER ENGINE IN IT RIGHT BEFORE GAS PRICES SKYROCKETED. jb2WHEELER Sorry about the caps, I am too lazy to retype it.

Hey JB,

Got any pic's of your el Camino? Sounds like we have (or you had) the same motor I have in mine. What color is it?

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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by JiMi_DRiX Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:56 pm

I got my 77 a couple months ago! I'm still trying to find a set of seatbelts, and a rear bumper/filers.

How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? 10411399_10204390498788430_3358466848294454934_n
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by pila Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:18 pm

That's a really nice one Jimi !! Very Happy 

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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by JiMi_DRiX Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:13 pm

pila wrote:That's a really nice one Jimi !! Very Happy 

Its not too shabby! Looks better in this picture, but its worth all the work I've put into it. There are still a few parts that I just cant find though.
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by cees klumper Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:34 pm

As Mcarlo77 said I have the original '73 Elkie that was used in the TV show 'my name is Earl'. Drive it around town in a rural area in France, and get tons of looks, they never saw anything like it! Does ok on gas despite the original 454 engine, I love driving it around and hauling things in it from time to time. I'm keeping it exactly as it was in the show.
For some reason there seem to be a lot of 4th gen (73-77) El Caminos in The Netherlands, where I'm originally from.
P.s. mine is probably the only El Camino on diplomatic plates ....

Last edited by cees klumper on Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by Limey SE Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:48 am

JiMi_DRiX wrote:I got my 77 a couple months ago! I'm still trying to find a set of seatbelts, and a rear bumper/filers.

How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? 10411399_10204390498788430_3358466848294454934_n

Bench or Bucket, Jimi ? I have a set of tan bench seat ones from a 2 door if that would work ?
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by Limey SE Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:12 am

And Welcome aboard ! I used to own one does that count LOL ?

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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by driveit Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:42 am

I think the G3 El Caminos are the best looking out of all of them. Provided that you tuck the front bumper.
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by dynchel Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:52 am

driveit wrote:I think the G3 El Caminos are the best looking out of all of them.  Provided that you tuck the front bumper.
I've been toying with the idea of trying to fit a '71 or '72 monte carlo front bumper on my '74.  The general shape and size is right & it would be super trick if  pulled  it off.  But honestly the last think i need is another project.  Rolling Eyes
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by driveit Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:03 am

Dude I just looked at those. The 71 would be awesome and it looks like you could even use your original turn signal lights from the bumper. They may not be the same size. I wonder what the dimensions are of them?
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by dynchel Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:13 am

If i was to do it i think i would use a '70 to make it look different.
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by driveit Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:30 am

Either way it would be awesome. I was trying to find a diagram to get the dimensions for you, but could not find anything.
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by dynchel Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:55 am

If I was to seriously do this, my neighbors have 3 first gen Monte's, so I would be able to take measurements and plan accordingly.
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by thatfnthing Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:14 pm

dynchel wrote:
driveit wrote:I think the G3 El Caminos are the best looking out of all of them.  Provided that you tuck the front bumper.
I've been toying with the idea of trying to fit a '71 or '72 monte carlo front bumper on my '74.  The general shape and size is right & it would be super trick if  pulled  it off.  But honestly the last think i need is another project.  Rolling Eyes

You could see what it might look like, if only there was someone on the forum who had mad photoshop skills... Smile
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

Post by driveit Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:52 pm

lol. I could do it. I could mock it up for you. on an existing design for like 10$ if you want.
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How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's? Empty Re: How many members have '73-'77 el Camino's?

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