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Repo Lower Door Panels

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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by Pontichev327 Thu 27 Dec 2012 - 23:08

I got a set of repro lower door panels and they look great to the average guy, but if you know what to look for, or if you hold them side by side to an original panel, there are differences! The most obvious is there is NO STITCHING! The channels are there, but no fake thread. The grain is slightly different too. Mine seem to be a shade smaller too, and because of that, they dont line up with the holes perfectly. Anyone else have this situation? It is one of the few things they actually make for us, and I wish it was a better repro!!
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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Re: Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by Landonus Thu 27 Dec 2012 - 23:26

That's pretty sad. How hard could it really be for a company that does this as a business get something so simple so wrong? How much did you end up paying for them overall? You should post a side by side if you get a chance for other folks wanting to make the same purchase.
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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Re: Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by BlackChevelleSS Thu 27 Dec 2012 - 23:36

are you asking for a set of door panels or what? This is in the classifieds wanted section


Repo Lower Door Panels SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Re: Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by Pontichev327 Thu 27 Dec 2012 - 23:43

Sorry, my mistake,.. i thought i was posting in the General section, my bad.
G3GM Enthusiast
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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Re: Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Fri 28 Dec 2012 - 6:45

Pontichev327 wrote:I got a set of repro lower door panels and they look great to the average guy, but if you know what to look for, or if you hold them side by side to an original panel, there are differences! The most obvious is there is NO STITCHING! The channels are there, but no fake thread. The grain is slightly different too. Mine seem to be a shade smaller too, and because of that, they dont line up with the holes perfectly. Anyone else have this situation? It is one of the few things they actually make for us, and I wish it was a better repro!!

i have lower panels.
Repo Lower Door Panels 08041210
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Re: Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by 77mali Fri 28 Dec 2012 - 8:47

I'm always afraid of the aftermarket with things like that. That stinks & I bet they were not cheap either.
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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Re: Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by BlackChevelleSS Fri 28 Dec 2012 - 11:19

Pontichev327 wrote: Sorry, my mistake,.. i thought i was posting in the General section, my bad.

No problem, Moved it for ya


Repo Lower Door Panels SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Re: Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by Pontichev327 Fri 28 Dec 2012 - 19:00

Ok, I got some pics of the SS door panels. You can see clearly there is no stitching in the channels around the edge. Also notice the rub marks from the old panel and where they were. The bottom left corner of the upper panel is not covered all the way, and notice how the edge of the bottom panel is much farther from the door edge than the top. I got them from NPD and the brand is DASHTOP like the dashcaps. I made this purchase over a year ago and it has taken this long to get things rolling. Yes, I also have some spare original panels NOW... but I don't like dying them too far from the molded color if I don't have to. The first two pics show the repro panel. The third is the product label, and he last three show original panels and the recovered seats, notice how the stitching looks and the fitment at the edge of the door. [img]Repo Lower Door Panels Interi10[/img][img]Repo Lower Door Panels Interi12[/img][img]Repo Lower Door Panels Interi13[/img][img]Repo Lower Door Panels Interi14[/img][img]Repo Lower Door Panels Interi15[/img][img]Repo Lower Door Panels Interi16[/img]
G3GM Enthusiast
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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Re: Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by Pontichev327 Fri 28 Dec 2012 - 19:14

I ended up only using the repro drivers door for now. My passenger side original was ok to use, but the drivers panel had a large crack near the bottom. I will probably change the drivers side back to an original, but I'm not in a hurry. The top of the upper original panel has a small slit at the lock hole, so if there is someone with a 73 Dark Saddle upper drivers panel let me know. Very Happy [img]Repo Lower Door Panels Interi17[/img]
G3GM Enthusiast
G3GM Enthusiast

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Repo Lower Door Panels Empty Re: Repo Lower Door Panels

Post by 77mali Fri 28 Dec 2012 - 21:31

Going to all the trouble to make molds, you'd think they'd get it right.
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