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interior Empty interior

Post by BONEZARALLY Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:25 am

What makes and model years can i pick interior i.e seats,headliner from for a 77 Cutlass? Head Bang
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interior Empty Re: interior

Post by The Dude Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:37 am

All of the cars on this list:
http://www.g3gm.com/general-discussion-f1/car-list-t223.htm from 1973-1977.

Headliner is gonna be hard to get out. Dan (BlackChevelleSS) and I tried to do that on a 73 Chevelle once & couldn't get it out without it ripping. It's nearly impossible if you ask me. 73-77 seats are universal. The patterns are different from year to year & model to model, but all swivels interchange as do all bench seats. I'm assuming it's the same with the power seat cars too. If you get crafty, most any seats will go into your car, but for originality purposes, the cars listed in the first post of that thread are what you'll be scrounging in the junkyard.
The Dude
The Dude

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