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Things are looking up

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Things are looking up Empty Things are looking up

Post by 77camino Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:40 pm

I bought my current El Camino 23 years ago and it is still in basically the exact same condition as the day I bought it. Over the years I have taken it to many local car shows. Over this time I have came to accept that mine is not the chosen one. Who doesn’t love a 70 SS with a LS6 or even a 87 Choo Choo custom SS(I also own a 86 Monte SS) I have sat through many shows with hardly anyone that stopped and looked at my car. But that was ok, I bought it to replace my high school car that I absolutely loved and regretted selling shortly after selling it. Fast forward to last week, I went to a show and could barely even leave my car because of the amount of people that wanted to stop and talk. After all that attention I decided to do another show on Saturday. I lined up early and as luck would have it I got mixed in with the local chevelle club. I thought to myself this is not good, I will be that odd one out again. The chevelle club members could not have been nicer and even invited me into their club. After a great day with over 350 entries it was time for awards. I attended the ceremony just to show my appreciation to everyone. To my surprise I was awarded the plaque for the 70’s. Now I do believe there were probably nicer 1970’s cars there but the judges must have seen something that they liked. Hopefully this is a trend up for our beloved generation
Things are looking up Img_4111
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knightfan26917, 73 ss wgn, 76Chevelle2Tone, jpowen49 and Redscampi like this post

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Things are looking up Empty Re: Things are looking up

Post by 76Chevelle2Tone Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:08 pm

Congratulations on your win and long term relationship. So I think yes the 70s models are getting noticed as they are the oldest cars still somewhat on the road. If I had a 1969 Chevelle SS how could I go shopping or dining with her as someone would five finger discount her? Belle gets lots of praise too and aggressive would be buyers at least in the last 5 years. I have to club her now which I never did before so it's a mixed blessing. Before then she couldn't even get stolen in NJ. Very Happy But no prizes alas because she is a daily driver. I think she wants to be put on a pedestal. Wait til next year I tell her.
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Things are looking up Empty Re: Things are looking up

Post by relic7680 Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:41 pm

The Few, The Proud, The G3....
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Things are looking up Empty Re: Things are looking up

Post by Redscampi Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:56 am

Your long term relationship with your car reveals your enthusiasm for the hobby. Congrats on your win. I really feel that the G3 cars are beginning to be more appreciated. I know my view of them has changed significantly for the better in the last several years. Hopefully that might translate to more market support down the road, but that remains to be seen.

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