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Just Dashes....for information

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Just Dashes....for information Empty Just Dashes....for information

Post by impalamonte Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:15 am

Thought I would share....just posted in the last few minutes:

Just Dashes....for information Captur13
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Just Dashes....for information Empty Re: Just Dashes....for information

Post by JiMi_DRiX Wed Oct 16, 2019 5:15 pm

I met with Darryl last week when he passed through AZ. He had the dash with him, but it was in bubble wrap, so I only got to see the end of it, but it looked great. The price he paid excluded shipping each way too, since he dropped it off and picked it up. If you have the finished dash shipped, it runs about $200. its wrapped, boxed, and put in a wood frame.
G3GM Enthusiast
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