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EPA wants to ban racecars

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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by ant7377 Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:53 am

The EPA has a proposal on the table to ban production vehicles from becoming racecars. Their is a petition to withdraw this proposal. Doing something like this hurts us all and needs to be stopped. Here is a link ..

Its got 130,000 signatures already and im sure many of you heard about it already,spread it around too.
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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by Joe73 Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:18 am

I got that email from summit racing last night.  I signed it, then they sent me a confirmation email where I had to click to confirm my signature. Real easy to do.
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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by clanceman427 Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:37 am

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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by thatfnthing Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:40 am

Having a suspicious nature, I never take anything at face value without doing some homework of my own.  Turns out it's not exactly like that -- it's more of a typical case of a government agency:

A. trying to clarify existing regs
B. doing a piss-poor job of it
C. raising more questions than they answer.

Jalopnik details the confusion in the 629 page bill where it even contradicts itself:


And Road & Track and Ars Technica talked to the EPA and got some further clarification:



Bottom line: It's essentially business-as-usual.
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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by ant7377 Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:49 pm

Look for the youtubr video of them questioning the head of the epa. They tried to hide a bunch of stuff in it.
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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by McCauley5983 Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:04 pm

That's only half of it California is Spear heading all of this non sense with their ban on older heavy truck diesel motors. I'm not even allowed into the state anymore
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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by g3chevy / Mr Pontiac Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:22 pm


Last edited by g3chevy on Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by pila Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:39 pm

 Before the laws came along, industries were dumping all sorts crap into rivers etc, and I noticed that way back in the 50s when on the rivers in my boat.  Oily mess over an inch deep was quite common, and a chemical company I can't name here was polluting big time before they got stepped on.

Don't know about you, but I like clean water & clean air.

The EPA, like many govt agencies, will have it's share of radicals who get carried away with wild ideas which are not reality.

  The big ( think billions $ now) problem in Flint Michigan, 30 miles South of me ( glad I don't live there !) was mostly political, but the EPA screwed up big-time by not catching the mess before it wrecked the whole water system, like it is now......and you & me are gonna help pay for the total rebuild of that system, through Federal help for those folks' new system, plus the state of Michigan is gonna knick us good for our "share" of the fix...
 But, life goes on.... Neutral

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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by ant7377 Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:51 pm

They create problems to validate their jobs. There is a purpose for them I would imagine. Im sure its not to screw with an innocent past time.
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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by knightfan26917 Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:40 pm

I've mentioned elsewhere that this entire thing about EPA makes me feel like the government is trying to "coax" states & counties ALL across the country to start doing emissions & other testing.....


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"Suspicions lead to questions" __ Ronnie Milsap __ 'Stranger In My House'
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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

Post by ant7377 Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:51 pm

They plug you in here on 96 and newer but older is just visual which they have no idea what they are looking at anyway.
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EPA wants to ban racecars Empty Re: EPA wants to ban racecars

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