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tranny swap

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tranny swap Empty tranny swap

Post by kenseth1 Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:36 pm

im wanting to drop my RPMS down while cruising, Ive got a 383 stroker motor w/ 373 gears in the rear-end, at 60 mph, IM turnin 3 grand on the tach, I have a saginaw 4-sp now, but what kind of tranny will bolt right up w/ the shifter coming thru the floor in the stock location, I dont wanna cut on my 73 chevelle or move back the console. thx gearheads.
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tranny swap Empty Re: tranny swap

Post by BlackChevelleSS Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:30 am

Or try

They sell a TKO600 kit that has an offset shifter that should come through in the stock location. Might try it. They dont list for later model chevelles, should be that same as earlier models tho on the simple kits.
With the TKO600, they offer 2 different over drives to suit your needs.


tranny swap SIG2

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tranny swap Empty Re: tranny swap

Post by kenseth1 Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:07 am

thx BlackChevelleSS, im learning alot about what will work n what wont hold up, now to see if I can located one of these badboys, thx a ton.
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tranny swap Empty Re: tranny swap

Post by JB2wheeler Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:11 am

I dont know why you dont want to just drop your axle ratio to 3.42, but I would consider http://www.gearvendors.com/
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tranny swap Empty Re: tranny swap

Post by kenseth1 Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:31 am

I will consider that but I really like how fast I come thru the gears w/ the 373 gears, so if it doesnt kill me to bad, I would preferre a 5 or 6 speed tranny, . thx 4 the input and the website.
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tranny swap Empty Re: tranny swap

Post by Limey SE Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:01 pm

and buddy if you find that 5/6 sspeed i might be interested in aa 4 speed trans if you get rid of it.....being we are so close to each i could just pick it upin a hour or so woot woot

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tranny swap Empty Re: tranny swap

Post by kenseth1 Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:55 pm

ok then, u b the 1st to know,lol, Im gonna git yathose pix, do u have an email I can send them too?
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