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Roadcaptain S3
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insurance Empty insurance

Post by pila Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:50 pm

I got a quote from Hagerty for my '74 Malibu, and my '75 Elco.  12K value on each, $967/year.  The bad news is that in Michigan, the state tacks on about $170 for each care insured here, and I have to assume it's included in the quote.
It's (supposedly) for catastrophic injury coverage, but if multiplied by every car on the road here, it's gotta be a huge amount on money that the state is sitting on......or maybe they are tapping into it for pet projects (?)
Hard to say, but you all know how politicians like to spend our money..... Mad

How does that quote compare with anyone here on their cars ??

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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by Joe73 Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:28 pm

Im at $128 a year with 10k value and either 300k liability. Thats through J C Taylor.
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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by thatfnthing Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:35 pm

NY doesn't tack anything extra onto your car insurance, they simply require that you have at least liability coverage. So my coverage through State Farm is considerably lower than your number. The extra $170 sounds like a back-door tax. All the states get you one way or another, but NY is more straightforward -- they simply hammer us directly with sales, property, and income taxes. Smile
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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by Joe73 Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:34 pm

I cant complain about NY. Mainly, no state/income tax on my pension. So I just pay my property tax and I'm good. And my electric rate is like a joke compared to when I lived in the city.
Apples to Apples my buddy in NC comes in at only $1200 less a year. Hes considering moving back here. The tax on his NY pension, the cost of homeowners insurance, the cost of water/sewer and some kind YEARLY state tax on all his vehicles is putting him over the edge.
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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by Dinomyte Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:44 pm

I know I'm in Canada and it's a little different up here but my policy is $109 Canadian (so about $75USD) for the Malibu, that's on an agreed upon / appraised value of $7000 which needs to be updated this coming year but still it's only $10 per $1000 value after the base price. Oh I should mention it's a recreational vehicle policy, so need to have a daily driver with insurance. I do think in the end it is underwritten by Hagerty.
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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by knightfan26917 Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:04 pm

YIKES....  Unless I'm misreading something somewhere, I was paying LESS for FIVE (5) cars ... NONE on "classic" insurance ... ALL on regular insurance.  Somethings not right ... LOL.

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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by Roadcaptain S3 Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:29 pm

I've got Hagerty as well. Agreed value on my 77 is $8500. I'm around $200 a year.
Roadcaptain S3
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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by pila Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:18 pm

The insurance premium itself is probably decent, but this state (Michigan) is nuts with their added fee for each car insured here. Just more politicians having a fund to dip into for pet projects... Evil or Very Mad

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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by Wallyuph Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:15 pm

I have hagerty and have the 73 Malibu agreed value of 22K and had the 74 Laguna I just sold covered for 6K and the total for the year was 356.00.

Glad I saw this post so I dropped the 74 seeing as I sold it.

Thank you
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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by SSTOOLMAN Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:52 pm

I got a quote from Hagerty and everything was cool. $186 per year $9000 value until I wanted to add my 21 year old son, First the gal said they wouldn't insure the car at all because it was a SS muscle car and she wouldn't under-right it if a 21 year old would drive it. I called back and talked back to a different guy and he said he would cover it at the cost of $598 a year. I told him I had friends that Hagerty covered at no extra cost for this. He said that was because they probably were under 16 and didn't have a license when the car was first insured, then kind of got grandfathered in. I didn't seam fair to me. Liberty Mutual is insuring it now.
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insurance Empty Re: insurance

Post by chevellelaguna Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:44 pm

We have everything insured through State Farm (house, 4cars, life) Laguna was appraised at $15,000 in 2002, I pay $12 a month full coverage, $250 deductable for collision, zero for glass. Will have to get another appraisal when I'm done with it. I'm sure my rate will go up.
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insurance Empty Re: insurance

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