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Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars.

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Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars. Empty Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars.

Post by Joe73 Sun Nov 29, 2015 8:31 pm

For the guys who have 76 or 77 cars. The indent on the door for the door handle, can someone measure how long the indent is. Wondering if its different since they used a shorter handle on those years and later. And if someone can post a pic of an original handle showing the indent, that would be great as well.

Thanks guys.
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Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars. Empty Re: Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars.

Post by Dinomyte Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:17 pm

Joe -- her you go.  Sorry the tape measure is upside down.

Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars. <a href=Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars. 20151110" />

Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars. <a href=Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars. 20151111" />
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Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars. Empty Re: Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars.

Post by Joe73 Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:29 pm

THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I really appreciate it !!!
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Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars. Empty Re: Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars.

Post by Dinomyte Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:12 am

Any time . . . . .
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Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars. Empty Re: Door question for the guys with 76 and 77 cars.

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