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Custom Golf Cart & Name Car Day

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Custom Golf Cart & Name Car Day Empty Custom Golf Cart & Name Car Day

Post by knightfan26917 Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:27 pm

I am not much of a golf lover, but I do enjoy tacos & maybe should drink some vodka, given so much these days! What custom golf carts have you seen?

BTW, Friday, 10/02/2015, was National Name Your Car Day! Do you name your vehicles?
This is my 1979 Caprice Classic earning its name:

Cort Smile www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
pigValve, paceMaker, cowValve | 1979 Caprice Classic (awaiting new owner)
"I knew she was a jewel in disguise" __ Kathy Mattea __ '455 Rocket'
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