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Gas tank straps

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Gas tank straps Empty Gas tank straps

Post by chevellelaguna Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:53 pm

Okay, ready to get a new sender, have the tank painted, what's the trick to getting the straps out? I just have them hanging, wanted to clean them up and paint them. I've tried removing them and haven't had any success! What the hell am I missing? I thought they just slip out if you have the rear high enough, and let them hang down, push back? Push up?
G3GM Enthusiast
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Gas tank straps Empty Re: Gas tank straps

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:28 pm

Did mine a couple summers ago. Don't recall any issues removing either the tank or straps. IIRC, I unbolted the forward ends of the strap and removed the pinch bolt on the rearward ends and let them hang from the rears while I pulled the tank forward (so the fill neck cleared) and lowered it. Once tank was removed, simply slid the straps rearward out of the retaining slot they ride in.
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Gas tank straps Empty Re: Gas tank straps

Post by chevellelaguna Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:17 pm

Ahhhh the pinch bolt on the strap, that makes sense now. I hadn't run tails in years so there was a lot of soot and carbon all over the rear end, tank and straps, hadn't noticed there were bolts that pinch the strap .
G3GM Enthusiast
G3GM Enthusiast

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