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Speedo Not Working

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Speedo Not Working Empty Speedo Not Working

Post by Hawk03 Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:04 pm

My speedometer is not working. I know the cable is connected on the trans and is connected to the rear of the speedo. I don't know if the speedo worked prior to to installing it since I bought the speedo used. Its the round speedo and its out of a '73. Do speedos go bad? Is it best to replace the cable and go from there? The trans was rebuilt so I would think the trans portion should be good.
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Speedo Not Working Empty Re: Speedo Not Working

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:18 pm

Disconnect the cable at the tranny and spin it by hand or with a drill while someone watches the Speedo. Seriously doubt the problem is with the Speedo Bullet/Gear combo in the tranny...unless someone forgot to put them back in there when it was rebuilt. If you can narrow it down to the Speedo needing replaced, I can try and find a good one this weekend when I'm out pulling parts for other members. If I remember correctly, the condition of the face isn't important as you'll be using white-faced gauge decals anyway?

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Speedo Not Working Empty Re: Speedo Not Working

Post by clanceman427 Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:45 pm

As a quick check, you could take it off the trans, Chuck it up in a power drill, and run the drill to see if the needle moves.  At least you can see if it's a problem in the trans or not.

Edit : looks like he beat me to it Smile
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Speedo Not Working Empty Re: Speedo Not Working

Post by Hawk03 Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:46 pm

Thanks Mcarlo77, I knew there was a way to test it but work has killed my brain the last couple of weeks so my thought process isn't the best right now.

That would be great if you could pick a speedo up if you find one this weekend. Might as well have one on hand just in case. Could you also see if there is a small round fuel gauge too? That doesn't work either. Correct, face condition is not important since I have the white faces to go over them. Much appreciated!
G3GM Enthusiast
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