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wanted Empty wanted

Post by mistamastabarba Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:35 pm

whats up guys?! i have a 1973 chevelle malibu..4 door..im in need of
1) A Pillar Moldings (left&right side)
2) Center Post Moldings (left upper&lower)
3)Door Panels (front and back..upper&lower)
4)Seat Belts (front and back bench..black or green)
and anything else we can find for my "hard to find parts for" ride LOL...PM me with any info and thanks a million!!
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wanted Empty Re: wanted

Post by chevellelaguna Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:03 pm

I have a bunch of parts ...PM d you, seat belts tail lights, pillar trim
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wanted Empty Re: wanted

Post by Mcarlo77 Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:16 pm

Timely request...I'm heading out to a salvage yard tomorrow. There are several 4-drs out there. Not sure of the status of interior parts. I already have RH lower door panels (front & back) in nice condition in black. Let me know if interested in any other color for the LH side as I think I have already checked for good black ones (can always paint them). I'll check the Uppers as well.

BE ADVISED..."A" pillar moldings for 4-drs are not the same length as on the coupes. I'll check them, too.
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wanted Empty Re: wanted

Post by mistamastabarba Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:49 am

Mcarlo77 wrote:Timely request...I'm heading out to a salvage yard tomorrow.  There are several 4-drs out there.  Not sure of the status of interior parts.  I already have RH lower door panels (front & back) in nice condition in black.  Let me know if interested in any other color for the LH side as I think I have already checked for good black ones (can always paint them).  I'll check the Uppers as well.

BE ADVISED..."A" pillar moldings for 4-drs are not the same length as on the coupes.  I'll check them, too.

ok GREAT!! please check for the A Pillar moldings...i DO know that theyre completely different than the coupes...so i AM in need of those for right and left side...i am ALSO interested in the door panels for all four doors...i'd LOVE if they were green,but i can work with black,so if they have all for upper and lower for all four doors in green...GRAB em,i need em,but if we have to piece em togetHer with what you have in black and other colors...i can make that work...PLEASE check for the CENTER POST MOLDING UPPER AND LOWER if they have it,but DEFINITELY lower at least also..i'd LIKE green,but can use any color...thanks a million,and if necessary,pleaSE CALL ME DIRECT..jASON 404 268 6835
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wanted Empty Re: wanted

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