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Greetings from Belgium

Roadcaptain S3
Limey SE
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Greetings from Belgium - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings from Belgium

Post by ant7377 Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:44 pm

Welcome! I remember seeing your car on CT. Pretty bad A$$.
G3GM Addict
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Greetings from Belgium - Page 2 Empty Re: Greetings from Belgium

Post by knightfan26917 Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:47 am

Roadcaptain S3 wrote:Once Doc and Butcher bailed, that was it. Keith has tried to revive it a little, but I think it was down to you, me, Cort, alowerlevel, ratnfested and dynch.

'Tis kinda sad how quickly that place quieted down ... & not just that section, either. Good grief, 10-15 years ago, I can remember it taking at least an hour for me to sift through the threads, if I visited every night. Now, I visit every other night or so, & it takes less than a half hour to sift through 'em.

BUT, I think a big part of that lesser traffic is social media.....

Cort Smile www.oldcarsstronghearts.com
1979 & 1989 Caprice Classics | pigValve, paceMaker, cowValve
"Back in 1876 an old boy named Bell invented a contraption that we know so well" __ Reba McEntire __ 'Why Haven't I Heard From You?'
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