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LagunaS3 on TV Motorweek PBS

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LagunaS3 on TV Motorweek PBS Empty LagunaS3 on TV Motorweek PBS

Post by RacerS3 Tue May 05, 2015 4:43 pm

Did anyone else see the Laguna S3 on Motorweek last weekend? Looked like it was a 1975, Silver with Red interior, no stripes or vinyl roof. It was just a short clip of the host of the show, walking up to it and closing the cars door as he introduced the next segment of the show. If you go to www.pbs.org/motorweek and select the episode "2016 Honda HR-V & 2015 Chrysler 300" you can watch it. I starts at about the 8:11 mark and ends at the 8:37 mark. He doesn't really mention the car much, other than referring to it as an "American Classic". I just thought it was interesting since 73-77 GM A-bodies never get much, if any attention. It was kind of nice to see one recognized on TV, even though it was just 20 or so seconds.
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LagunaS3 on TV Motorweek PBS Empty Re: LagunaS3 on TV Motorweek PBS

Post by Limey SE Tue May 05, 2015 6:09 pm

LagunaS3 on TV Motorweek PBS Screen11
Limey SE
Limey SE

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LagunaS3 on TV Motorweek PBS Empty Re: LagunaS3 on TV Motorweek PBS

Post by knightfan26917 Wed May 06, 2015 7:01 am

Just watched that section of the video ... cool to see it on the show, but ... an interesting choice to feature as the lead in to the segment.....

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