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am new member from joliet il

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am new member from joliet il - Page 8 Empty Re: am new member from joliet il

Post by 74 beast Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:42 am

Well had functional capacity test ive got alot of limitation kinda scares me i knew i had limits just not this bad. To be honest says i can only work 4 hrs a day. Ligth duty work only basically 20 pound limit on lifting. They want me to find a job with those limits and only four hours a day feel like am going to lose everything
74 beast
74 beast
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am new member from joliet il - Page 8 Empty Re: am new member from joliet il

Post by Hs1973 Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:23 am

Im sorry to hear your hurting. But for what its worth, i had kind of the same issues 5 years ago. I had surgery 3 times and just Got worse. I was so stronger out on oxycontin pills i sleept most of the time. And when i woke up i had so much pain i took more pills.

After a while i startet in therapy and Got toma point where i could walk a little. I made myself do a little more every day. And set a goal for every week. After a year i could work on my car again and after 2 years i startet working again a little at a time.

My point is that things can get better If you want them to, and keep fighting it. I refused to let my pain control my life. And even If it hurts i wanted to work on my car, even If just for a little while. Just half an hour is better than nothing.

If you also can get a friend to help you, it would make a World of difference in your mental state. I know i feel a hell of a lot better from just Being in the garage for an hour. And Being positive makes everything a little easier.

Hope you get better soon.
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am new member from joliet il - Page 8 Empty Re: am new member from joliet il

Post by 74 beast Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:13 am

Well after a long figth my mom died of cancer 930pm saturday nite. I was taking care of her day and nite with my sister. The last couples of days was difficult to do am sitting here with a heavy heart. But she out of pain now and to top it all off i totaled my every day car. And not sure how much insurance pay out well be. Not sure how much more i can take
74 beast
74 beast
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am new member from joliet il - Page 8 Empty Re: am new member from joliet il

Post by 1cheapshot Sat Oct 08, 2016 12:53 am

74 beast wrote:Well after a long figth my mom died of cancer 930pm saturday nite. I was taking care of her day and nite with my sister. The last couples of days was difficult to do am sitting here with a heavy heart. But she out of pain now and to top it all off i totaled my every day car. And not sure how much insurance pay out well be. Not sure how much more i can take

Hope things are getting a bit better. Keep swimming!
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am new member from joliet il - Page 8 Empty Your Health

Post by testpilot61 Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:50 am

As tough as things are for you at the moment let me assure you that you and your current situations will get better. It will take a while but if you keep your faith and positive attitude everytime something hits you, you will win.

I too lost my Mom in February after many years of taking care of her. I hated that she was so sick and I couldn't do anything to help her. I know now she is without pain and in a much better place.

Jerry H

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am new member from joliet il - Page 8 Empty Re: am new member from joliet il

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