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Interior paint and dye colors

Roadcaptain S3
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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Interior paint and dye colors

Post by bitterfitter Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:45 am

So where would I find the correct color for my interior?  I have a '74 Malibu Classic that originally came with trim code 785.  That was the midnight blue interior with white seats.  Beyond that, I have no  idea what to tell the guys at the paint store, if I walk in and ask for this color?  The code 785, seems more like a color combo instead of a color code.

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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:17 am

Try TCP Global's website and look in their Color Library section. According to their chart, 785 signifies a Dark Green interior.
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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by bitterfitter Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:52 am

Interior paint and dye colors 1974_i11

Here is the copy of the sheet I am getting my info from.  Kinda hard to see but it is code 785.  I will take a look at the TCP site again.

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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by bitterfitter Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:56 am

Interior paint and dye colors Img_1510
Here is my tag showing the trim code as 785 also.

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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:38 pm

Hmmm...I see what you mean.  Would seem like an odd color combo to have a Dark Green interior with Light Blue Poly exterior if you went by what TCP Global shows. I looked up that spec sheet online that you reference and it does look like a "785" (Midnight Blue).
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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by bitterfitter Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:38 am

I understand after all these years a car could become many different colors.  When I purchased my car, it still had the white seats and the rest is dark blue.
  So I wonder now how I get a color code or even just get the paint and dye to refresh the interior?  I really can't have the parts color matched in any way as they are dirty and faded from all these years.  Has anyone had any luck in getting the color that is close to what you needed for the interior?  I have seen a bunch of interior dyes in cans that look close, but I hate to have to buy a bunch of different colors to test them.  This can get expensive and may not end in a useable color.

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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by Roadcaptain S3 Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:25 am

Don't be surprised to find out that your decode is wrong. GM seemed to take great pleasure in making the weirdest color combos in the 70s every other year, and then making it REALLY hard to find out what was what.
Green and blue would have to have been ordered by a nut-job, or you've missed something. Go to the GM heritage center and double check...this is a link to the info kit for 74. I looked and there are a ton of combos for that year.


I've been busting my hump trying to do that as well. The heritage stuff helped me clear up a mystery. I'm up to about 8 different shades of brown and haven't got it yet. I've got sun fade in some areas and that makes it harder. The options are to remove the whole interior and dye it all or go to a paint supply store and have them match and mix the color in aerosol cans. I'm waiting on one more can in medium beige. If that doesn't work, I'll try that option.
Roadcaptain S3
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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by bitterfitter Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:48 am

Thanks Captain for the information.  The sheet I show is from the Heritage Center and seems to reinforce what I believe about the color combo.
  I do have my entire interior out as I have been redoing my car for awhile now.  Whether I get the paint in spray cans or just mixed for me to shoot is OK, I just want something close.  I am not restoring the car. just looking for some color that is not as blue or grayish as what I have seen so far for the colors available.  If anyone has seen options close to midnight blue, please send them along as I am sure I have not seen them all yet.  Thanks

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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by bitterfitter Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:37 am

So I stopped down to see the local auto paint guys and ask about interior colors.  They would not guarantee an exact match and wanted around $250 a quart to mix up some interior color.  They tell me that from what they have seen; auto makers spend more time getting the exterior colors to match and don't care as much about the interior colors.  Hence the lack of a guarantee.
  I tried the SEM shadow blue color coat they had on the shelf and it is great.  It turned out to be a perfect color, priced around $13 a spray can, and goes on real nice.  I even had to change the color of my dash cap from brown to blue and one coat almost did it.  Two coats, and you would never know.  It goes on thin enough that it does not hide the grain and doesn't appear that it could even peel.  Two thumbs up!! Thumbs up

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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by thatfnthing Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:34 am

I can't wait to see it in person!
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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by Wallyuph Wed Feb 11, 2015 1:13 pm

use thin coats when you apply that more thin coats is way better than heavy coat.
Trust me on that one.
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Interior paint and dye colors Empty Re: Interior paint and dye colors

Post by kyle1979 Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:44 pm

You can also check out www.camarocentral.com for their interior dye options. I've used their MCI Hard Plastic refinished that comes in spray cans, and the dark green was a perfect match!
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