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Does this sound about right?

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Does this sound about right? Empty Does this sound about right?

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:18 pm

At 70 mph my tac reads 2500,oil pressure is about 62 and temp is 200.

454 motor/350 trans and 273 gears.

1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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Does this sound about right? Empty Re: Does this sound about right?

Post by JB2wheeler Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:37 pm

Yes, thats about right, especially if you want good gas milage. I have a 3.47 rear axle ratio and 27 inch diamater tires. I planned it where I would be doing 3,000 RPM at 70 and I hit it on the nose. Now, if I want to make a cross country trip all I have to do is throw some 29 inch diamater tires on it and get 5 to 10 MPG better. If you want a little more pep get a lower (higher number) rear axle ratio or a smaller tire and you will get a little more pep with a little less MPG. JB
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Does this sound about right? Empty Re: Does this sound about right?

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:48 pm

JB2wheeler wrote:Yes, thats about right, especially if you want good gas milage. I have a 3.47 rear axle ratio and 27 inch diamater tires. I planned it where I would be doing 3,000 RPM at 70 and I hit it on the nose. Now, if I want to make a cross country trip all I have to do is throw some 29 inch diamater tires on it and get 5 to 10 MPG better. If you want a little more pep get a lower (higher number) rear axle ratio or a smaller tire and you will get a little more pep with a little less MPG. JB


I have a 3:42 (?) posi for it,but i like the 275-60-15 tires on it.so if i put this in everything will change?
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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Does this sound about right? Empty Re: Does this sound about right?

Post by JB2wheeler Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:03 pm

Yes, if you have a 2.56 ratio and change to the 3.42 it will increase acceleration and decrease MPG and your top speed. Who needs to go 170 MPH anyway. JB
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Does this sound about right? Empty Re: Does this sound about right?

Post by coreys73chevelle Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:57 am

i do !
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Does this sound about right? Empty Re: Does this sound about right?

Post by JB2wheeler Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:57 pm

Not on city streets, I hope. JB
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Does this sound about right? Empty Re: Does this sound about right?

Post by yogreasygramma Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:05 am

How about highways and interstates?! LOL. I've only been up to about 140 in my first Monte on a 10 lane interstate, and things happen fast at that speed, and you run out of room quickly.
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Does this sound about right? Empty Re: Does this sound about right?

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