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Tour To The Tombstones Rally

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Tour To The Tombstones Rally Empty Tour To The Tombstones Rally

Post by sccarally Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:19 pm

You are invited to join us for the next SCCA Road Rally. We will tour Rockwall, Hunt, and Collin Counties, and visit a number of cemeteries, many of them designated historic. Course following will be easy. All roads are paved, except short sections leading to some cemeteries.

This is the 2014 edition of the Tour To The Tombstones Rally.

Rally Day is Saturday, September 20, 2014. Registration opens at 9:00am at Rockwall Dodge, at 970 E. I-30, Rockwall, TX 75087. First car out about 10:00am. The finish will be at Spring Creek Barbecue in McKinney.

You will be directed to a number of area cemeteries. At each one you will record the name, and answer questions from signs or tombstones. A simple September road rally.

Please go to msreg.com/TTT14msr to preregister. No G3GM cars registered yet....

Join us!

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Tour To The Tombstones Rally Empty Re: Tour To The Tombstones Rally

Post by dynchel Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:15 pm

Sounds like fun... If only Texas wasn't 20+ hours away. Sad
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Tour To The Tombstones Rally Empty Re: Tour To The Tombstones Rally

Post by Dinomyte Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:42 am

Thanks for the invitation, as Dynchel said "If only Texas wasn't 20+ hours away"

Enjoy the drive. . .
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Tour To The Tombstones Rally Empty Re: Tour To The Tombstones Rally

Post by sccarally Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:27 pm

Eleven cars have entered the rally so far. I expect about 25 cars by rally day. Still no Gen 3 GM cars entered.

Accuweather says it will be about 64 degrees when you get up that day, and only 83 degrees for a high...and sunny. Perfect rally weather!

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Tour To The Tombstones Rally Empty Re: Tour To The Tombstones Rally

Post by martinsuper73 Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:21 am

I live in Michigan. So a bit of a hike for me. But I did find two local road rallies and have entered those.
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Tour To The Tombstones Rally Empty Re: Tour To The Tombstones Rally

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