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76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels.

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76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels. Empty 76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels.

Post by A_Tame76 Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:14 pm

Whats up guys. I thought I found myself an NOS set of headlight bezels for my Malibu (76), and I think they are for a Monte. I was hoping someone could confirm they are for the Montes. The part numbers listed on the backs are 371168 and 371167. The four holes on these bezels that mount to the frame are farther away (in) from the corners than my Malibu bezels. The lip on each bezel that outlines the edge also sticks about a 1/4" as opposed to it being flat on the Malibu bezel. The top of these bezels also appear to be slightly rounded as opposed to almost straight on the Malibu. If anyone can confirm these are Monte headlight bezels...I'd appreciate it.
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76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels. Empty Re: 76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels.

Post by Limey SE Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:26 pm

hey buddy i went down and looked at my headlight assy for the 76 monte i have downstairs and there is more of an roundness to the top and a little on the bottom for the headlight bezel (but the bezels i forgot i sold already) hope this helps

1977 Chevelle SE x2
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one Wild NON original
Limey SE
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76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels. Empty Re: 76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels.

Post by A_Tame76 Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:29 pm

I got these thinking they would fit my Malibu, but they dont. Where are the four mounting holes are the Monte ones you have? The malibu holes are in the corners of the bezel...the monte holes are more on the side, as opposed to the corner. Do you have a pic of yours? Or maybe I could send u a pic of what i have.
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76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels. Empty Re: 76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels.

Post by Limey SE Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:45 pm

76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels. Monte_18_800x600

here ya go

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels. Empty Re: 76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels.

Post by Limey SE Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:46 pm

you can see the side mounting tabs in pic

1977 Chevelle SE x2
One Mild original
one Wild NON original
Limey SE
Limey SE

Street Cred : 98

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76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels. Empty Re: 76-77 MOnte Headlight bezels.

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