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1975-1976 Laguna stripe color

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1975-1976 Laguna stripe color Empty 1975-1976 Laguna stripe color

Post by chevellelaguna Sat May 17, 2014 7:02 pm

Okay, could you buy a 75/76 Laguna without the stripe? If you had the stripe then the rear tail light surround was also painted stripe color. SO, if no stripe then what color did they paint the rear surround? Body color?
Also what were the stripe color options?
G3GM Enthusiast
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1975-1976 Laguna stripe color Empty Re: 1975-1976 Laguna stripe color

Post by Joe73 Sat May 17, 2014 8:16 pm

Dont know about the tailpanel color. But correct me if I'm wrong, but I think 75/76 stripe colors were either black or white. 74 also had maroon striping.
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1975-1976 Laguna stripe color Empty Re: 1975-1976 Laguna stripe color

Post by Pontichev327 Sat May 17, 2014 8:49 pm

Stripe delete was an option, but I haven't seen the rear of an original paint car with no stripes. My guess is body color.
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1975-1976 Laguna stripe color Empty Re: 1975-1976 Laguna stripe color

Post by Mcarlo77 Sat May 17, 2014 9:58 pm

1976 Chevy sales brochure I have shows a green Laguna w/o stripes and the tail panel is body colored.

I've seen red/maroon and gold stripes on '75/'76, too.

1975-1976 Laguna stripe color Laguna16
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1975-1976 Laguna stripe color Empty Re: 1975-1976 Laguna stripe color

Post by Limey SE Sat May 17, 2014 10:58 pm

NOT ALL but most that have had no stripes that I have seen have had the tail panel blacked out
Limey SE
Limey SE

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1975-1976 Laguna stripe color Empty Re: 1975-1976 Laguna stripe color

Post by Limey SE Sat May 17, 2014 11:56 pm

Mcarlo77 wrote:I've seen red/maroon and gold stripes on '75/'76, too.

Better Shiny Example  LOL

1975-1976 Laguna stripe color 10175035_847550448593219_8747957348754807415_n
Limey SE
Limey SE

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1975-1976 Laguna stripe color Empty Re: 1975-1976 Laguna stripe color

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun May 18, 2014 11:52 am

Okay...so, I found when reading the Sales Brochure a little closer where it states stripes in Black, White, Gold and Firethorn were an option. I wasn't aware of that...thought that was part of the Laguna package. Learn something new every day! I'm going with blacked-out tail panel on mine despite no stripes. Just think the Orange needs to be broken up a little.
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1975-1976 Laguna stripe color Empty Re: 1975-1976 Laguna stripe color

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