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Seat Swap

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Seat Swap Empty Seat Swap

Post by thepossumface Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:16 pm

Just wondering sense im selling my swivel seats, im gonna put cloth seats or racing buckets in them, wanting to see what kinda seat i could put in
aka (el camino, camaro, chevelle) if anyone has swaped before? Before I just run out and buy something that may or may not work. id like a bolt and go kinda thing if possible
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Seat Swap Empty Re: Seat Swap

Post by dynchel Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:58 am

ElCamino should bolt right in (if they are bucket seats).  My car was a originally a bench seat but now has '76 cutlass buckets.  They did not bolt right in Mad  new holes had to be drilled for the center mounts, plus the bench mounts on top of the seat belt retractor.  You might look at some of the seats offered by summit racing, I believe their mounting is adjustable.
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