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A/C component

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A/C component Empty A/C component

Post by 77mali Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:32 pm

What is this part called?  (The canister) Do you Chevy guys have it in the same location?  I'm missing it on my car wondering if I need to make a junk yard crawl or if it may be avail aftermarket.  Thanks.

A/C component 1973la10
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by Joe73 Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:54 pm

If I'm not mistaken, that is your receiver/dryer. A junk yard one wont do. You have to get a new one. It has a desiccant in it similiar to those small packets of BBs you sometimes get when buying clothing or shoes. They absorb moisture. They can only absorb so much moisture. Even opening them to the atmosphere allows moisture in.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:12 pm

Neither of my Chevys has that. Was that replaced with the Accumulator that's attached to the A/C box on the firewall after '73?
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by 77mali Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:20 pm

Mcarlo77 wrote:Neither of my Chevys has that.  Was that replaced with the Accumulator that's attached to the A/C box on the firewall after '73?
That's what I was hoping, I think you're correct. The pic is from a 73 Chevelle engine bay.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by thatfnthing Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:36 pm

That's definitely the dryer. All A/C systems have one, it just may vary in shape, size, and location --its job is to keep everything else in the system from corroding. The sight glass in the top will also allow you to see if there are any bubbles in the stream, indicating too much air or not enough refrigerant.

You might make do with a junkyard unit from a similar capacity system that's never been opened up to the atmosphere, but Joe's right -- it's only good for so much, so you're probably best off getting a new one.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by 77mali Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:16 pm

Thanks for the replies guys. I'll do a search & see what comes up.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by pila Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:15 pm

You can buy the accumulator kit at auto parts stores like Advance etc.   I bought a new one, which came with a few pipes, to match which ever GM car you need it for.
 I seem to remember about 45 bucks for the kit.  You could go online & check it out for a good price etc....

You will see the acc can in in this pic/link.
I can't seem to post pics here for some reason .....(?)

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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by 77mali Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:32 am

Thanks, that's the same set up I have on my 77.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by ant7377 Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:33 am

I just replaced that on my 73. It was a pain in the A$$,hard to get wrenches on the fitting,they wanted you to loosen up the radiator and pull it back towards the motor. The ones from NPD fit good and look good FYI.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by thatfnthing Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:55 am

Remove the carbon canister for more working room.  The bracket for the dryer is spot welded to the left condenser bracket, but if you remove the dryer clamp screw, you should be able to bend the bracket arms outward enough to get it out.

If you have to lean the radiator and condenser back, bear in mind the condenser brackets are held to the radiator brace with only the four rubber isolators, but if they are old enough they will simply tear instead of unbolting and you will need new ones.  When I removed mine, only 1 gave up without a fight. Smile
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by 77mali Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:43 pm

I don't have the 73 "dryer"...I have the "four seasons" A/C type that is on the firewall by the blower motor, like in Bill's Pic. I was confused as I'd never seen the part that I had originally posted and didn't know if it was needed for 77.

Now I'm more confused, LOL.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by thatfnthing Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:07 pm

Oh, I was confused, I thought that picture was yours. 'Cuz that's exactly how mine was. In your case, there should still be one, but where they may have relocated it to I don't know. Got the factory service manual? It should be in there...
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:14 pm

Nope...I'm here to tell you the '74-'77 cars had an Accumulator (like in Bill's pic) attached to the a/c box on the firewall that replaced the old style receiver/drier mtd on/near the condensor. The Accumulator has a desiccant inside that performs the same function.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by thatfnthing Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:37 pm

Mcarlo77 wrote:The Accumulator has a desiccant inside that performs the same function.
So, a drier, then.  There always is one.  It's just in a different place on those.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by ant7377 Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:43 pm

On your car Paul its should be like mentioned above on the AC box nar the firewall. Its cold and wet up there in Bahstan so you dont need it anyhow.
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by ant7377 Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:43 pm

Very Happy 
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by 77mali Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:04 pm

LMFAO. Same friggin weathah in "New Yorwk" Laughing 

I don't get one thing however...If you're not supposed to expose the unit to the atmosphere, then there has to be a fitting like a propane tank has for example. So in theory (to my ignorant brain anyway) it should still function if that fitting is still good, right? I really don't want to take my heater core,a/c, heater motor box apart again. Laughing 
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A/C component Empty Re: A/C component

Post by ant7377 Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:15 pm

Its just two fittings you dont have to take anything apart and the new one comes sealed,I think they are about 30 bucks you can get em at autozone. Your system isnt charged right? Its New Yawk!
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