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Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before?

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Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? Empty Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before?

Post by Pontichev327 Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:31 am

This is what I learned to drive in. The one I learned in was a 1954 and Blue, but other than that, pretty much the same. Oh, and you could see the ground through the floorboards, too, big holes. I was 13 and I was taught to use that starter pedal, clutch, brake and accelerator all at the same time, and if you are on a hill...Fun, Fun! I have to ask, but have you younger guys even seen a starter pedal before? With the three on the tree and a little snow on the ground, it was a challenge for sure! I used to take it fully loaded with old transmission cases up to Grandview, Indiana to a recycle yard there. The front wheels were almost lifting off the ground it seemed, and you had to steer when you felt the tires come back down to earth. But there was so much play in the steering anyway, it was more like pointing it in a direction and waiting to see if it would go that way!! I think I was about 16 when I did those trips for my Dad. Good Times, man!......................................................... Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? <a href=Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? Rt_66_25" />.....Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? <a href=Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? Rt_66_26" />
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Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? Empty Re: Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before?

Post by BlackChevelleSS Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:44 am

Yep 1950 3/4 ton 3 window.
Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? Pickup

Only pic I have of it loaded in my PB account


Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? SIG2

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Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? Empty Re: Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before?

Post by dynchel Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:10 am

When I was younger, my dad had a '49 GMC fire engine that had a foot start pedal.  I remember it was a multi step process to start the thing.  Move the blade switch to turn on one of the (2) battery's, pull out the choke, turn the key on, then step on the starter.  Manual steering (arm strong lol) manual brakes, and a top speed of appx 50 mph.  One thing we used to do that most people still alive can't claim is ride on the tailboard, that was fun.  Nothing strapping you in...just hold on.Razz
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Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? Empty Re: Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before?

Post by 77mali Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:11 am

Dan, do you still have it?
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Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before? Empty Re: Ever used a starter pedal in a truck before?

Post by pila Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:39 pm

All the stove-bolt sixes from GM had starter pedals.  Seems like that didn't change until the small block came out in '55, when GM discovered solenoids !
 Many old vehicles had starter pedals, but not the old flat-head FORDS, Mercurys, and Lincolns,  They had an ignition lock on the steering column (way ahead of their time) and a starter button on the dash.
  And they started quicker than just about any other make..
 I had a '53 Chevy pickup with the start pedal, back in the 60s.....

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