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4 door parts

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4 door parts Empty 4 door parts

Post by autorecycler Wed May 13, 2009 1:45 pm

Just found a decent 4 door 73. Do the front fenders swap over to a 2 door?
how about the front doors?
It has some really decent parts for being such a worn out 4 door. but I'm thinking of getting it for the decent parts.
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4 door parts Empty Re: 4 door parts

Post by BlackChevelleSS Wed May 13, 2009 2:05 pm

doors are not the same but the fenders should be.


4 door parts SIG2

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4 door parts Empty Re: 4 door parts

Post by autorecycler Wed May 13, 2009 2:17 pm

Anything else I should look for?
Nose, tail panel and bumpers are in amazing shape. interior is moldy. Engine looks to be a transplanted 305 or 350. It has headers and true duels. 14 inch wheels and tires.
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4 door parts Empty Re: 4 door parts

Post by Limey SE Wed May 13, 2009 3:05 pm

front doors are shorter on the 4 door but the whole front doghouse will interchange, and as long as its a 73 the trunk will interchange with 73 ONLY and bumper same thing 73 only for the tail panel 73 only. the seats will interchange as well but if going into a 2 door you will need a seat that allows for the rear passenger to get in.

1977 Chevelle SE x2
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4 door parts Empty Re: 4 door parts

Post by Laguna Budman Wed May 13, 2009 9:03 pm

If it has true duel exhaust check for dual crossmember too
Laguna Budman
Laguna Budman
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4 door parts Empty Re: 4 door parts

Post by JB2wheeler Wed May 13, 2009 10:04 pm

Laguna Budman wrote:If it has true duel exhaust check for dual crossmember too
I cant remember for sure, old age you know, but the 4 door may have a boxed frame. If it does it will fit an El Camino, but not a 2 door. I save all that kind of stuff on paper and then have to spend hours to find it. JB
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