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I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by Bruisr Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:06 am

http://phoenix.craigslist.org/cph/cto/3721094226.html Looks like he had alot of go fast parts and just put them on his elco!
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by JiMi_DRiX Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:43 pm

AND $40k? lol
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by Biomedtech Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:14 pm

aaaaaahahahahahahahahaa! Nuff said!
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by dynchel Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:45 pm

Wow that's some really optimistic pricing. I like his spelling of phoenix also. Smoking
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by 77mali Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:50 pm

Smoking some really bad Turd

Maybe he meant 4,000
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by Pontichev327 Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:43 pm

I would buy it, pull the Pontiac engine and speed parts out for one of my Grand Am's, and drop a used 350 in it and sell it off. Maybe keep the buckets and console for a Laguna swap later. If it is 4000 or less.
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by Pontichev327 Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:48 pm

IF I DIDN"T OWE 3,400 IN TAXES ,...THAT IS! Evil or Very Mad
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by JB2wheeler Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:01 pm

Mine's in better shape and I have $30,000+ invested in it. I could never get out of mine what I have invested. It has to be a labor of love to spend more on a car than what it's worth. Mine still needs a paint job to be perfect, wonder if I will ever get around to it. JB
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by Tom77 Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:11 am

JB2wheeler wrote:Mine's in better shape and I have $30,000+ invested in it. I could never get out of mine what I have invested. It has to be a labor of love to spend more on a car than what it's worth. Mine still needs a paint job to be perfect, wonder if I will ever get around to it. JB

I hear you there. I just wanted a daily driver for fun. Didn't know when to quit. Oh well I guess that's how most of us got to this point. lol!
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by 77mali Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:15 am

Check this T bird out- Laughing
I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Lol110

I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Lol210
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

Post by dynchel Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:35 am

Enough Smoking and a little Beer and that t bird is starting to look OK. Laughing
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I've seen some really bad cars, but really? Empty Re: I've seen some really bad cars, but really?

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