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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Limey SE
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by v8power Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:26 pm

I look to my opera windows on my 74 chevelle and i found under the trim a triangle window Glass but i have the small opera windows.
But it look likes Original. Is that sure?

Its possible to open my small opera window to the triangle window?

Its only a possibility question. Smile

Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Opera-11
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by 77mali Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:04 pm

Yes it is possible- there are several posts on here on the subject but if it's a factory conversion, I believe there should be a metal panel underneath the padding in your photo on the last half of the quarter window. You'd have to remove the sail panel, belt re-tractor trim & coat hook to see for sure. I wouldn't bother if it were me- It looks very nice anyway.
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by pila Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:58 pm

There is a triangular metal plate/skin welded across the big glass, to form the small window frame.
Your interior looks excellent by the way.
The cheaper versions used the big window, like a standard Chevelle, while the deluxe version was the Malibu, with the small windows.
But...some models of the Laguna had the big rear windows.
Look at the brochure pictures in 77mail's post, which shows a bunch of models with both styles of widows.

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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Window 1974 Chevelle

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:53 pm

Mali and Pila are correct. Here are a couple pics of another '74 to confirm what you've got there. You can see the outline of the factory patch on the exterior from the cracks in the bondo.

Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle 74mali11

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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by carcass Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:39 pm

my car has the small windows and I like em' its a 74 now I'm worried it has a big window hiding under a bandaid, weird!!!
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by Joe73 Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:22 pm

They came both ways 74 on depending on whether it was a chevelle or a malibu. Like mentioned above.
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by carcass Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:45 pm

mine is a malibu classic originally a six cylinder car. what do you think?

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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by dynchel Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:28 pm

I think the small windows were more or less standard on a Malibu classic. My '74 is a base chevelle with the large windows (original 350 2bbl). As to weather the big windows are hiding or not try pulling the interior sail panel to look. Or maybe check around the perimeter with a magnet to see if there's bondo.
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:52 pm

That red '74 I took the pics of was a 6-cylinder car.
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Opera windows

Post by sick73chevelle Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:18 pm

carcass wrote:mine is a malibu classic originally a six cylinder car. what do you think?

Did all cars with the factory patch panels have vinyl roofs covering them? I can't tell if carcass's car has one or not. Has anyone ever seen one without? I am converting my 73 Chevelle to small windows. I cut the factory panels out of a buick regal/century (I forget which, who knows the diff). These panels were just spot welded in, and the buhog had a vinyl top. I am welding them all the way around to make sure I do not get any mud crackage since I am not putting a vinyl back on it. The filler that I ground off these things from the donor car was not like bondo, more like a rubbery filler. It tasted terrible too! Probably some kind of asbestos alloy. Cough cough!!!
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by 77mali Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:50 pm

Hey sick73- I hope you were kidding but just in case, get a cartridge type respirator & don't breathe in any of that crap. They used a boat load of chemicals in these cars back then that would probably cost them the company by today's standards.
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by Limey SE Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:17 pm

sick73chevelle wrote:
carcass wrote:mine is a malibu classic originally a six cylinder car. what do you think?

Did all cars with the factory patch panels have vinyl roofs covering them? I can't tell if carcass's car has one or not. Has anyone ever seen one without? I am converting my 73 Chevelle to small windows. I cut the factory panels out of a buick regal/century (I forget which, who knows the diff). These panels were just spot welded in, and the buhog had a vinyl top. I am welding them all the way around to make sure I do not get any mud crackage since I am not putting a vinyl back on it. The filler that I ground off these things from the donor car was not like bondo, more like a rubbery filler. It tasted terrible too! Probably some kind of asbestos alloy. Cough cough!!!

Yea you def wanna wear a mask for that Sick73chevelle there prob asbestos in that old filler and this is how the 74 Small windows were done due to the GM Labor strikes back in the day they did a lot of shortcuts to keep up with production needs

Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Capson2005
Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Capson2001

Last edited by Limey SE on Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
Limey SE
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by Limey SE Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:19 pm

They used the big triangle for the Sail panels, Then they used the material like for the rear package tray and and then cover it with upholstery to match the interior

Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Capson2003
Limey SE
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by sick73chevelle Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:30 pm

I appreciate all your concern for my health. I always say that I am gonna finish this car even if it kills me! But has anyone seen one with factory fillers and NO vinyl roof? P.S. You might see me in a commercial 10 years from now saying: "My name is Jim, and I got mesothelioma from my 73 Chevelle".
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by Limey SE Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:35 pm

PPSSSTTTTT That Blue 74 I posted ^^^^ up there had no vinyl roof as was a 3 speed floor shift car I used to own

How it arrived to my door

Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle PHTO0025Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle NAKEDMALIGOON002
Limey SE
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:44 pm

Again...the red one in the pics I attached didn't have a vinyl top.
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by dynchel Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:44 pm

Looks like my '74. Similar color blue, same slot mags, and kickstands er side pipes. I love retro.
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by sick73chevelle Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:50 pm

Mcarlo77 wrote:Again...the red one in the pics I attached didn't have a vinyl top.
I guess what I was trying to ask was did it come from the factory that way. Is there any sign that it was removed somewhere along the line.
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by Limey SE Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:51 pm

dynchel wrote:Looks like my '74. Similar color blue, same slot mags, and kickstands er side pipes. I love retro.

would still have that car if it wouldnt have been NON Saveable was loading it on a trailer and the when being pulled on with the winch the front frame folded in half OOOPPPSSSS
Limey SE
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by dynchel Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:59 pm

Looks can be decieving, it looks really nice in the picture. The frame folded? I've never seen a g3 with frame rot, I've seen 64/72 And 78/87 with frame problems (all off their bodys rotted out) but 73/77 frames seem to hold up , even on the lake Erie shoreline of north east Ohio.
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by Limey SE Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:19 pm

yea the guy I had gotten it from had it in a field for more than 14 years and we all know what happens to cars that sit in a field, he hid it by undercoating in a can the front frame rails just folded in half while being pulled up on the trailer.

I have more pics of it after I parted it out and when my bro in law used a skid loader to load on the trailer to junk body the rear 1/4s in the lower sections just fell off the car LOL.

Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Goodbyegoonie004

Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Goodbyegoonie006
Limey SE
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by dynchel Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:40 pm

Yeah, I know all about the undercoating over rust thing. A friend once bought a really nice (we thought) '70 cutlass rag top. Nice paint, interior, top half of motor rebuilt. Once we got it on a lift we found there was a one foot section under the door that was completely rotted away. We pulled the plastic inner fenders back and there were large holes there also. How this car didn't break in half I still don't know. He duraglassed the frame and undercoated it to hide it. Kind of a edit move, but karma caught up to him, he just recieved a 5 year prison sentance. ( bank robbery)
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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by pila Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:25 pm

The frame rusted through in a few places on my '77 Elco, that I bought new. I scrapped it in 2009. Michigan salt takes it toll on cars.

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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by 74MonteCarlo Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:14 am

1973, all Chevelle's had the large quarter windows. Chevelle Deluxe, Malibu, SS & Laguna.

1974, the BASE Malibu had the large windows, and the Malibu CLASSIC had the coach windows. For early 1974 production before the tooling was developed, GM put in those patch panels on the windows of the BASE Malibu body, until they got the new Malibu CLASSIC bodies made.

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Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle Empty Re: Opera Windows 1974 Chevelle

Post by carcass Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:36 pm

74MonteCarlo wrote:1973, all Chevelle's had the large quarter windows. Chevelle Deluxe, Malibu, SS & Laguna.

1974, the BASE Malibu had the large windows, and the Malibu CLASSIC had the coach windows. For early 1974 production before the tooling was developed, GM put in those patch panels on the windows of the BASE Malibu body, until they got the new Malibu CLASSIC bodies made.
Thanks for this info, I'm gonna check into what my car has.
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