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Shoulder harness attachment

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Shoulder harness attachment Empty Shoulder harness attachment

Post by pila Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:15 pm

Since my Elco project is a '75 body, all the interior stuff I saved from the '77 I scrapped isn't a bolt-in.
Today I was going to bolt the shoulder harness take-up reels in place, but noticed that the '75 is different. The '75 uses two small bolts to attach the reel, while the '77 type uses one big 1/2-13 bolt with torx type head, like the same type used for attaching seat belts on the floors.
So an alteration was necessary, like locating the reel down lower like the '77, and drilling new holes to mount the reel brackets. Luckily, I could reach through the vent hole in the rear door post where the plastic louver goes, to get a large area washer, a lock washer & nut on the bolt. The plastic interior trim is also different between those two model years, but it's working out OK (so far) Very Happy
I'm taking some pics as I go along, to include in the album on photobucket.
I'll post some here when I get it together.

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Shoulder harness attachment Empty Re: Shoulder harness attachment

Post by jerry46765 Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:57 pm

Interesting, could you swap the top reel from the '77?

I have been hoarding seat belts, and didn't notice the difference.

Thanks -
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Shoulder harness attachment Empty Re: Shoulder harness attachment

Post by 77mali Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:22 am

My 77 coupe uses the same 2 larger bolts. Is this set up the same as you have? Here's an older pic pre-paint.
Shoulder harness attachment P1000110
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Shoulder harness attachment Empty Re: Shoulder harness attachment

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:47 am

Know what else is weird on those '75 Elkies...some came with shoulder retractors and some with the stationary mounts like on '73 cars. Learned that recently when helping a guy with his restoration.
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Shoulder harness attachment Empty Re: Shoulder harness attachment

Post by pila Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:17 pm

Mine may have been one without the take-up reels. It's a 1C80, the cheap model. The Classic is a 1D80 from what my manuals list.

Anyway, I have all the interior plastic trim mounted. Next is the carpet. I have the back half of the carpet laying on my office floor, and the front half laying on the guest room floor. Some wrinkles in them from being rolled up in the box. I used the wife's hair dryer to warm up some of the wrinkled places, to get them flat.

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Shoulder harness attachment Empty Re: Shoulder harness attachment

Post by 77mali Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:19 pm

So Bill- when will you be driving it? Seems like you're pretty darn close- Congrats!
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Shoulder harness attachment Empty Re: Shoulder harness attachment

Post by pila Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:33 pm

Not sure when it will get totally done. (good question !!) When I get the carpet in, I'm gonna cover it with plastic to keep it clean, then install the seat, and steering wheel. After that, the weather strip will be next I think. The little stuff is what eats our lunch so-to-speak.
So it's 95% done, and 95% to go !! Very Happy

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Shoulder harness attachment Empty Re: Shoulder harness attachment

Post by 77mali Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:40 pm

LOL- I'm not liking all the little stuff! I'm the same percentage on my motor, the worst part is all the stuff you think should be rudimentary & it turns out you need a doctorate to figure it all out. Sheesh.
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