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Laguna S-3 inserts

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Laguna S-3 inserts Empty Laguna S-3 inserts

Post by Shaunaconda Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:14 pm

I need one insert, if anyone has one or knows where to find one? Also have a couple of loose one's that I pulled that were barely hanging on when I got the car. What is the right adhesive to put them back on?
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Laguna S-3 inserts Empty Re: Laguna S-3 inserts

Post by Landonus Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:28 pm

Do you have any pictures? Also, what year?
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Laguna S-3 inserts Empty Re: Laguna S-3 inserts

Post by Mcarlo77 Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:56 pm

Think he's talking about the colored plastic decal that is centered between the words "LAGUNA" and "S-3" on all the emblems? Note that the tail panel insert is longer than the fender/grill inserts. Any of them are impossible to find.
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Laguna S-3 inserts Empty Re: Laguna S-3 inserts

Post by Landonus Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:00 pm

Ahh, thought he was talking about interior inserts. Might could have stickers made and apply them to plastic cut yourself. Or print on the plastic like when you print a decal onto a CD from your PC. A man could make a few bucks if you could get it down just right.
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Laguna S-3 inserts Empty Re: Laguna S-3 inserts

Post by Shaunaconda Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:15 pm

Yes I meant the emblem insert. Didn't know the rear insert was longer, but I have that in pretty nice shape. I need a fender emblem insert.
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Laguna S-3 inserts Empty Re: Laguna S-3 inserts

Post by Landonus Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:22 pm

I have a whole set of S-3 emblems. I'll see what shape they are in when I get a chance.
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Laguna S-3 inserts Empty Re: Laguna S-3 inserts

Post by Pontichev327 Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:16 pm

I bought some insert stickers on Ebay a couple years ago, but I have not seen them re-appear lately. They were pretty good, but unless you make a plexigass cover like on the factory ones , they wont match exactly. Still looked good if you dont need concourse quality. The NOS ones are priced a bit high, but if you have to have them, what else ya got?! If you were good at shaping and polishing plexi , you could make the little insert covers for money, I bet! Very Happy
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