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Door rattle

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Door rattle Empty Door rattle

Post by Shaunaconda Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:49 am

The door on the drivers side rattles if I roll the window down, but not when it's up. Would that be from the door seal being flat? The rubber around the door seems ok, not cracked or torn like the weatherstrip around the window. The door shuts good and is lined up right, the latch seems ok too.
Also the window squeals when cranking it and is a little hard roll up or down. Is there a way to lube it with some WD 40?
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Door rattle Empty Door Rattle

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:24 pm

Are you saying the window is rattling around when it's down? First thing that comes to mind is the molded plastic window guide that mounts to the top of the door panel. These are almost always broken and allow a sloppy movement up and down (note: the thin bar that I'm pointing to is always the culprit). Might be causing the glass to squeeze against one of the window felts and causing the squeaking. You'll need to remove the Upper Door Panel to see it. I've got some of these if this appears to be the problem. And, while you're into it that far, you might be wise to remove the Lower Door Panel to inspect that all regulator and guide rail bolts are tight. Also, good time to put some grease on the rollers and guides to ease the up and down movement of the window.

Door rattle Abodyw11
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by Shaunaconda Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:37 pm

No, I'm saying the door itself rattles as soon as I crack the window. With the window up all is good. The glass itself doesn't have any play in it, just the door.
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by G3NUT Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:55 pm

Is the door striker worn?
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:53 pm

Yeah...door striker would be my guess, too. Can't imagine what else would cause a door to rattle.
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by bigredlaguna Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:46 pm

The squeal noise would most likely be the part that mcarlo77 described. The striker bolt has a piece that often wears out or breaks off. The sound of the door bouncing is usually more of a deep tone thumping vs a glass rattling against metal having a higher pitch
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by ant7377 Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:26 pm

You can get these little nylon bushing on the help rack,they are made for a Furd bronco and are grey in color,they are for this purpose. I just cut them so the could open and snapped them around the striker, all fixed.
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by 77mali Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:37 pm

Mcarlo77 wrote:Are you saying the window is rattling around when it's down? First thing that comes to mind is the molded plastic window guide that mounts to the top of the door panel. These are almost always broken and allow a sloppy movement up and down (note: the thin bar that I'm pointing to is always the culprit). Might be causing the glass to squeeze against one of the window felts and causing the squeaking. You'll need to remove the Upper Door Panel to see it. I've got some of these if this appears to be the problem. And, while you're into it that far, you might be wise to remove the Lower Door Panel to inspect that all regulator and guide rail bolts are tight. Also, good time to put some grease on the rollers and guides to ease the up and down movement of the window.

Door rattle Abodyw11

What on earth is that medieval device you are using as a pointer there my friend? Suspect

Inquiring minds want to know.
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door Rattle

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:28 pm

Ha...ha! I can't remember where I bought this. I use it to clean and scrape in small areas when detailing parts. Does look rather medieval...

Door rattle Mediev10
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by WyldeBill66 Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:07 pm

I think that's a leather working tool. It looks familiar, and I think that's what it is.

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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by 77mali Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:16 pm

It's an interesting looking device, lol.
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by dragons_lair59 Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:08 am

looks like the pick my grandma had for taking the meat out of walnuts same design and all
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by texan01 Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:17 am

Shaunaconda wrote:The door on the drivers side rattles if I roll the window down, but not when it's up. Would that be from the door seal being flat? The rubber around the door seems ok, not cracked or torn like the weatherstrip around the window. The door shuts good and is lined up right, the latch seems ok too.
Also the window squeals when cranking it and is a little hard roll up or down. Is there a way to lube it with some WD 40?

Mine rattles a bit with the window down as well. It's not the glass rattling, its the door itself. striker was rebushed, and the adjusted, mine probably could stand new rubber bumpers... Actually all 3 G3s I've owned have done the exact same thing, and one was bought new by my parents, and I remember it rattling with the windows down when I was little.

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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by dynchel Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:20 pm

ant7377 wrote:You can get these little nylon bushing on the help rack,they are made for a Furd bronco and are grey in color,they are for this purpose. I just cut them so the could open and snapped them around the striker, all fixed.
This I a VERY good tip.  I had my '74 out yesterday and was bothered by the door rattling.  I remembered this thread and hit the local O'Reillys.  I found the exact ones mentioned  (less than $4.00)  split them just like was said...and  no more rattle.  I wish I'd done it 20 years ago.
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by driveit Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:50 pm

Ok I am doing that this week as well!
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by JiMi_DRiX Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:24 pm

I used electrical tape to fix my door strikers with missing bushings. It's the perfect width and was a cheap quick fix. Looks OK too!
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Door rattle Empty Re: Door rattle

Post by driveit Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:42 am

I looked like someone had did that before on my car. Was thinking of doing that again.
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