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1975 laguna s3 question

1973 454 MONTE
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by dade1989 Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:04 pm

Am on my phone so idk if the pic will post but does any 1 know how many coil spring did the 1975 Laguna s3 come with. Am asking this because mine has 3 on each side.
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by dade1989 Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:19 pm

[url=1975 laguna s3 question 01231311]1975 laguna s3 question 01231311[/url]
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:00 pm

should only have one

looks like blue is an after thought (heydarrel ya think we should put this here to keep her from saggin when your wife gets in)

the one on the right is correct

the other is a cargo shock? you can buy regular shocks with springs on them.

they make them for the front to
1973 454 MONTE
1973 454 MONTE
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by dynchel Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:15 pm

X2...that is a interesting set up you have there. I've seen people do that on top of sagging leaf springs, but never add extra coil springs next to existing coils.
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by Joe73 Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:28 pm

That blue one doesnt even look like its mounted to anything.
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by dade1989 Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:33 pm

I was told by my friends dad that ppl do that wen they race the car so that the back won't squat wen taking off , but idk how true that is
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by 77mali Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:45 pm

X3....s/b only 1 on each side. The cargo shocks are designed to maintain ride height under heavy loads. That is quite a set up...I'm also at a loss to even think why someone would have done that. Wonder if someone was hauling moonshine or something @ one point in time. Question

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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by dade1989 Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:03 pm

Joe73 ur rite I went and look at it and its just pressed against the chassi
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by 77mali Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:56 pm

Be careful taking those out. The rears are not under as much compression as the fronts but still...
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by dynchel Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:01 am

dade1989 wrote:I was told by my friends dad that ppl do that wen they race the car so that the back won't squat wen taking off , but idk how true that is
that sounds like it's referring to drag racing. That would be opposite of what you would want, it should squat to aid in traction. With it all stiff it would either have no traction or worse wheel hop like crazy. I would say take out the misplaced springs and see how it rides.
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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by Brainstain Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:44 pm

Not necessarily. To aid traction you do not want the car to squat, you want it to lift in the rear ( called anti-squay ) to shove the tires down to the ground. The other option would be to stiffen the rear and gain height to make it rotate a little better kind of like an old gasser.

As far as the Guna goes, that has to ride like an empty dump truck.

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1975 laguna s3 question Empty Re: 1975 laguna s3 question

Post by dade1989 Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:35 pm

belive it or not it rides pretty good no wheel hop . the back of the car is kinda high , am 5'9 and the top of the trunk almost reaches my chest.
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