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Hood differences

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Hood differences Empty Hood differences

Post by dynchel Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:44 am

Does anyone know If there any real differences between the hoods for 73/77 chevelles? Reason I ask is I just got a hood from a 73 el camino and the underhood bracing is different (a lot beefier over the air cleaner) than what I currently have on my 74 base chevelle. I'm mostly concerened with it fitting properly I don't know if it's because it's first year (before they cost cut it?) or because it's from a el camino. Any thoughts would be apperciated. Blow Up
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Hood differences Empty Re: Hood differences

Post by Joe73 Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:56 am

Noses interchange and so does the hood. Minor differences are in the bumper area (the way they mount). But they all interchange.
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Hood differences Empty Re: Hood differences

Post by dynchel Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:11 am

That's what i wanted to hear. Thank you.
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Hood differences Empty Re: Hood differences

Post by pila Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:42 pm

Yeah, it's a good thing that front end parts interchange. My '75 Elco project has 'Malibu fenders & hood, and a '77 grille. One door is a '77, and the other is a '75 . And the interior is all '77. Front suspension is '77. "parts is parts" Very Happy

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Hood differences Empty Re: Hood differences

Post by dynchel Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:30 pm

pila wrote:Yeah, it's a good thing that front end parts interchange. My '75 Elco project has 'Malibu fenders & hood, and a '77 grille. One door is a '77, and the other is a '75 . And the interior is all '77. Front suspension is '77. "parts is parts" Very Happy
yeah i know, my 74 has 76 doors (from 2 different cars) a core support from a 73 chevelle, a cross member and front sway bar from a 73 Monte Carlo. The interior is 76/77 cutlass. The 1/4 panels were new reproduction, and now i have a 73 elcamino hood. Cool
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Hood differences Empty Re: Hood differences

Post by pila Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:10 am

: Very Happy

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