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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Uncle Meano
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by 77mali Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:11 pm


Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper 39239110
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Laguna Budman Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:02 pm

WOW! Well put Mali. Well put my friend!
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by 77mali Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:17 pm

The Tilted Kilt (it's a chain- google for a location near you)...there's one in CT...gotta check it out. Was surfing the net for car show pics & came across it. The 73 Malibu in the background is awesome.

Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper 41656210
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by fishhead Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:28 pm

Why am I sweating? drunken

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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Bruisr Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:43 am

I dont see anything What am I missing?
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Bruisr Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:46 am

Finally loaded the pic! Boy! I was nervous! But that what tailgates are for HUH! Sorry but if my car looked that good you'd better be naked if you think you gonna sit on it anywhere!!!!!
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Laguna Budman Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:05 am

Well Bruiser from what I see your missin alot. They can sit on my bumper anytime! Then again i'm an old guy. LOL
Laguna Budman
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Bruisr Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:32 am

I finally seen the pic after I posted! You said it! I really missed it! Sure does make the car look good. Either way thats a nice ride! All of them!!!!
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Laguna Budman Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:31 am

I'm liking the second one from the right ...$. If ya know what I mean.
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by 77mali Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:33 am

The 2nd one from the right takes the cake & she can have my bumper anytime she wants. Very Happy

Like a Star @ heaven Hubba-Hubba Like a Star @ heaven
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by pila Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:09 pm

I would rather have the bumper out there to protect the front end.
I hit a telephone pole some years ago, in the winter snow, with a '73 Chevelle, and the bumper shocks went in about 4 inches & came back out, without any damage to the front end or the bumper
I'm a believer ! Very Happy

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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Bruisr Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:10 pm

Its a wonder we all like the same cars, we all like the girl the 2nd from the right! HAHAHA!
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Brainstain Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:47 pm

I'm pretty sure that's just because she is the only one that doesn't look like they drug her out from behind a dumpster somewhere..

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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Bruisr Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:49 pm

She's got that" I'll rock your world" look!
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by 77mali Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:32 pm

Be nice...They're all bumper worthy Very Happy
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Tom77 Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:57 pm

Till I read the posts I didnt even see the car!
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Uncle Meano Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:37 pm

I got my eye on the Lass' standing beside the car. But then again,..I'm an El Camino guy.
Uncle Meano
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by 77mali Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:13 pm

Take your pic...LOL

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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:16 pm

77mali wrote:Take your pic...LOL


Something bout glasses on the right. Thumbs up
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:18 pm

Uncle Meano wrote:I got my eye on the Lass' standing beside the car. But then again,..I'm an El Camino guy.

Shes got curls. I likes curls.
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by 77mali Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:22 pm

Here U go fellas...Good eye Meano...Good eye!

Only for chris...LOL
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:11 pm

I think i have to go there soon. I have a couple to choose from.
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Laguna Budman Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:51 pm

GIRLS by cars are COOL in general!!!
Laguna Budman
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by alleyball4 Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:56 am

I'm still tucking my bumper ... the girls will have to get on the hood .... that is, until my wife beats them off of it with a baseball bat .... lol
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

Post by Tom77 Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:27 am

Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper 16080506_large

Here's another one for you! In my mind one of the best shows to date.
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Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper Empty Re: Why you should NEVER EVER, EVER tuck in your Malibu's front bumper

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