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General Motores better, what ever !!

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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by 2fat2fly Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:00 am

scratch Well I got this from my Cousin in Iowa and I thought any future GM buyers might like to see, really sad !
Feel free to pass it on as to maybe let GM know that their decision may bite them on the A#@
Guess whose economy is growing and if we don't spread this news around, all of those of GM sales are going to boost you know whose economy.
Here it is, https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Lvl5Gan69Wo
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by DiscoMalibu Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:16 am

This doesn't make me sad at all, this makes me sick. When are people going to wake up and smell the burning tax dollars? This just adds to scheme of things, there is something going on in this country, in this world. We spend billions to save an American icon and they pack it in and go to Communist China. Smh, figures. Since when do we deal with communists? Come on now, this is crap. So now the communists are moving in and setting up business on our soil. Is it just me or does something smell rotten here? I bet Louis Chevrolet is rolling in his grave.

Do we need to win another World War to make Americans proud to be Americans again? There was a time in history when Made in America stood for something, it stood for pride, quality and tradition. Now everyone is so EDIT set on filling their pockets that, Made in America is exactly that, history! When driving a Cadillac, a Buick, a Studebaker, a Packard a Hudson meant something. Now its all about money, saving that penny or nickel and sacrificing that quality and that pride. Now we're shaking hands and making deals with communists... To Make Money?! What?!

Back to the scheme of things, people need to wake up! Do you know about the NDAA act that was signed into law? It states that anyone suspected of being affiliated with terrorists or terrorism will be imprisioned without due process. In fact it's so vague, it applies to most anyone. Let's just throw the Constitution and your rights into the garbage because under this bill, you don't have any. No right to remain silent, no right to an attorney, no right to a fair trial. What about the North American Union? Canda, Mexico and the US are all one now.

Its funny how you don't really hear about these things on the news. They control the media, you only get to hear what they want you to hear. The big wealthy business, the people with money control everything. Politicians are put in place to make you believe you have freedom of choice. YOU DONT, you have no choice. No one seems to notice, no one seems to care and we continue to believe every day that theres nothing strange going on here. We're passively ignorant, we the people need to start asking more questions. We the people need to stand up for our rights and take back what's rightfully ours.

Anyone with me on this? Anyone else beginning to realize that something really stinks?
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by ant7377 Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:50 am

Yup,its true, I dont think everyone see's it either because we are so caught up trying to make ends meet. Everything costs more, our leadership in this country is poor (both sides) and has a agenda to everything, too many really poor moral decisions going on in D.C.,our currency devalued and not trusted too,its not talked about in the news enough and most dont realize it. Lets not mention that the rest of the world dosent have the confidence in us that it once had,its all awful. What we do have is US, we're Americans and proud of our way of life and our country and culture,we have to stand up and say F'you! when we dont like how things are and I think its coming to that time to say that.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by Joe73 Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:24 am

This topic has hit a sore spot for me for years. I was upset with that video and did some searching. I dont think its entirely true. Everything is in a world economy. Take a look at this.


Short an sweet, this is what I know. A foreign car company wants to sell a car in the US.

1. Foreign car is manufactured in Japan and sent here. Japan pays pennies on import taxes to the US. We send a car there and get bent over the barrel on import taxes to them. 1ST SCREWING OF THE US BY JAPAN.
2. US Car dealer sells the car, takes his profit, and sends a check to Japan. Thats the 2ND SCREWING OF THE US BY JAPAN.

Now take it a step further.

2. US Car dealer sells the car, takes his profit, and sends a check to Japan. 2ND SCREWING OF THE US BY JAPAN.
3. Foreign car plants in the US DO NOT ALLOW employees to become part of the UNITED AUTO WORKERS (UAW). That's the 3RD SCREWING OF THE US. Although its great american workers have jobs in these depressed areas, but they dont get the UAW PAY, BENEFITS, PENSIONS, ETC. that the UAW has fought so hard to get.

I've heard the commercials for foreign cars saying what percentage are made in the US. But the US is getting TRIPLE screwed by buying that car.

Now on the other hand ALL auto manufacturers have been making major and minor parts in other countries for decades. I understand that, its cheap labor. But fact is, we've become a world economy. If I remember correctly, GM is the #1 car brand in China for almost a decade. So if we're building cars there and taking advantage of their extremely cheap labor, we have to do it. I dont like it, but screw China.

And another sore point while I'm venting. GM made that great 3800 (3.8L) engine up until the mid 2000's. Came in Buicks, Pontiacs, Chevies, etc. I currently have one in a lesabre and my father in law has one in his impala. Yes, some have had the leaking intake manifold problem, but that was and easy fix. That engine would get, with normal driving, 32 mpg on the highway. And its a 6 cylinder in a full size car. I was just looking at new cars and I have to down size to a 2 door "speck" with a 4 banger to get that mileage. WHATS GOING ON? Has there been no advancement in technology in the last 2 decades?? I also have an 07 chevy uplander with the 3.9L. 27 mpg on the highway. If I want to get something SUV like with a 6 cyl., my mileage goes down to 22. Whats going on? I have to drop down to a tiny SUV with a 4 cyl. to get the same mileage. Its ridiculous.

Thanks for the vent !! Just my 2 cents.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by 77mali Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:52 am

Our government has become morally corrupt. Many of our leaders and representatives have for the most part made a conscious effort to ignore the Constitution. This has been going on for a very, very long time. A large majority are just in it for themselves and become career politicians- like leeches.

GM & Chrysler should have been allowed to go through the bankruptcy process and restructured their companies. The industry might have been able to get rid of the UAW which has itself become a morally corrupt entity that is driven by money & politics and doesn't care about their workers- just their dues; like our representatives don't really care about constituents- just tax dollars.

Regular folks need to wake and take back this country- join your local TEA PARTY. Get involved- just bitching about it won't change anything. We need common sense, term limits and people who do the right thing 100% of the time in DC.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by ant7377 Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:11 am

COMMON SENSE-----It dosent prevail in our country. Sad.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by DiscoMalibu Wed Oct 31, 2012 5:50 am

Well, I understand that you cannot always believe what you hear. Some of the information is true while other facts are largely exaggerated. I can say that it doesn't make me happy that we're selling cars to communists, if it was my choice, we wouldn't be doing so. I can see the reason for it, they do have the largest population.

It's great that Toyota is building cars in the US and giving people jobs. It sucks that all that engineering is being done in Japan. Then the Japanese get to profit from it. But it goes both ways, just in this case without communists. The Chinese hate the US and just want to copy our technology from their own uses.

I'm really getting sick of these campaign ads, one after another, about each side exaggerating the facts. Just to change peoples minds, you can't believe either one without doing your own research, its insane!

"It seems common sense is not so common..."
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by JB2wheeler Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:49 pm

I hope I am not considered as stealing the topic here, but this all reminds me of what started out as a good idea over 50 years ago. am talking about an organization that was headed by a great man named Dag Hammarskjöld. We lost a great man when he died in 1961. Now, we have a monster called the United Nations whose members all hate the USA and are trying to undermine it in one way or another. Their latest tactic is ti disarm the USA like other nations have been disarmed and made helpless and are under total control by their governments. Our currant President is in total agreement with their program. Don't let them disarm the American people! JB
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:18 pm

Regular folks need to wake and take back this country- join your local TEA PARTY. Get involved- just bitching about it won't change anything. We need common sense, term limits and people who do the right thing 100% of the time in DC.

Sadly, more people in this country know more about who won last week's Reality Show than the current issues plagueing this country. For instance, I'll bet if you took a poll, most wouldn't have a clue what this recent Bhengazi cover-up is all about. I think the Administration understands this and that is why they are so brazen about their lies and deceit...especially, when they know the main media is in their back pockets. If people don't wake up, we're going to become just another mediocre Socialist country...and, broke at that! That brings up yet another point...I'm willing to bet the majority of the younger voters in this country wouldn't have a clue what the differences are between Socialist, Communist and Capitalist countries as it relates to them. All they are hearing (if they're even paying attention) is that big corporations and wealthy people are evil.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by 77mali Wed Oct 31, 2012 5:11 pm

Sadly none of the Kool Aid drinkers are paying any attention to what happened in Bhengazi. What I'm hearing is unbelievable from the stand point of what this administration DIDN'T DO to protect American lives.

The UN is the most worthless, corrupt and evil organization ever conceived by men. America should boot it off our shores.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by 77mali Wed Oct 31, 2012 5:25 pm

Mcarlo77 wrote:I'm willing to bet the majority of the younger voters in this country wouldn't have a clue what the differences are between Socialist, Communist and Capitalist countries as it relates to them. All they are hearing (if they're even paying attention) is that big corporations and wealthy people are evil.

When I was little we had a neighbor who owned a 73 911 Targa. He often parked in on the street in summer and all of us kids would drool over it. One day he came out and struck up a conversation with us about the car. He made it a point to tell us "work as hard as we could so we could save our money" & if we did that, when we got a little older we could buy a nice car, house...etc. He was "rich" and we all respected him and wanted to be like him.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by pila Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:59 pm

I'm not gonna comment on all this stuff, since I like all you guys too much, to piss you off ! Very Happy

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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by 77mali Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:01 am

I would not take offense to anything you may post. Hope I didn't offend you with my rants. I don't take politics personally-everyone is entitled to their viewpoint. (We like you too!) LOL
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by ant7377 Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:23 am

Dag Hammarskjöld lived in the same town as I do. Our Auditorium in High School was named after him.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:34 am

I don't take politics personally, either. My main point I was trying to make is that, if you are going to participate in the elections next week, make an informed decision which way to vote. I have nothing but respect for those who disagree with my point of view if I know they have made an effort to understand the issues. Don't vote for one candidate or the other because "that's the party my family has always voted for"...or, because one candidate is a better debater, has a more likeable persona, etc. These two candidates have a very different vision for where they want to take this country and we best be sure which way we prefer when placing our votes.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by 77mali Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:55 pm

I can't wait to Turd -can my Avatar....I'm tired of looking at it.

There's a lot of conspiracy theories about the death of Dag Hammarskjöld. It was interesting reading about him this afternoon.
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General Motores better, what ever !!  Empty Re: General Motores better, what ever !!

Post by ant7377 Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:47 pm

77mali wrote:I can't wait to Turd -can my Avatar....I'm tired of looking at it.

There's a lot of conspiracy theories about the death of Dag Hammarskjöld. It was interesting reading about him this afternoon.

Wouldnt be suprised. A lot of important people used to hide out up here years ago it was kinda like a off the beaten path type of place. The guy who invented listening devices lived in the area too and their is a lot of conspiracy around him as well.
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