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Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble

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Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble Empty Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble

Post by Firmanto Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:19 pm

Hello my Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble. where can one find such et loose and purchase or is it just to start hunting for a better use complete front grill. Even so my cromade details around the headlights, I do not know what they're called (and I use goggle translate so it might be a bit wrong in my lyrics but I hope you understand). where can I get new ones, or maybe I'll give in and ask a metals company that chromium them again.
  Where can you get the new crom details those who sit on the ulti wheel arches.

grateful for all the tips

Perhaps companies can send to Sweden?

Regards Mattias bounce
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Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble Empty Re: Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble

Post by Mcarlo77 Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:30 pm

You're doing fine with your translations, Mattias! By the way...my wife is Swedish. Does that make us family!! LOL!

Too bad I didn't read this when I was out searching for Malibu parts today. Could have probably grabbed a couple of the chrome headlight bezels you are describing. The hood emblems are very difficult to find used as people seem to collect them...along with every other hood ornament. Rarely find one on a salvage car. Used wheel well moldings are a hard item to find in good condition in my part of the country. Might try e-Bay.
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Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble Empty Re: Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble

Post by Firmanto Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:30 am

It is good with Swedish wives who are best :-)

Regarding the parts, it's just for me to hunt on. I have contacted a company in Stockholm that will look at my details for the car so we will see if we can repair the emblem before I crome on the grill again.

but I'm still looking for cromade details around the wheel arches do you know someone who possibly may have a set for my car, or you can buy things for aftermarket parts?
/ / Mattias
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Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble Empty Re: Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble

Post by Mcarlo77 Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:20 am

I'm surprised to find that there are repro wheel well moldings (arches) available. The Parts Place (www.thepartsplaceinc.com) is showing them, but are not listing the price on their website. That usually means they are either expensive...or, available by special order. Other than that, it's hit or miss in finding NOS parts. If you're okay with less than perfect moldings, maybe I can take another look around the yards in my area.
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Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble Empty Re: Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble

Post by Firmanto Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:07 pm

OK, thank you very much for your help and let me know if you encounter any wheel well moldings (arches) :-)
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Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble Empty Re: Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble

Post by Brainstain Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:54 pm

What's a nice hood emblem worth? I kinda wanted to shave mine off anyway..

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Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble Empty Re: Chevelle emblem in the front grill begins to crumble

Post by Firmanto Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:09 am

Hello one such emblems can be purchased on the secondary market at the parts place ink and costs :

$ 129

why would you remove it?
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