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Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu)

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Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu) Empty Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu)

Post by BigSythe Wed May 23, 2012 7:30 pm

Hey guys, I am new to the board and glad I found it. Need some help with my 1973 Chevy Chevelle (Malibu) I am in desperate need of most plastic pieces for my 73' Chevelle Malibu. Mainly the upper rear panels (sail panels). Any help is greatly appreciated.
Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu) Chevel11
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Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu) Empty Re: Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu)

Post by JB2wheeler Wed May 23, 2012 8:52 pm

Beautiful car! JB
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Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu) Empty Re: Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu)

Post by BigSythe Wed May 23, 2012 10:57 pm

Thanks JB. It's a W.I.P (Work in Progress!
G3GM Newbie
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Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu) Empty Re: Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu)

Post by orange Juiced Wed May 23, 2012 11:35 pm

Looks good, welcome aboard. This is a good place to hang out and read about all our cars and see a mixture of different styles of our G3s.
orange Juiced
orange Juiced
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Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu) Empty Re: Interior plastics for 73' Chevelle (malibu)

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