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the hood

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the hood Empty the hood

Post by pila Sat May 12, 2012 6:39 pm

I finally have all the paint removed from the top of the hood. The finish paint slid right off, but the black GM primer was tough to get off. More stripper etc and some scraping finally did it. Now to go over it with some 400 grit on the orbital sander, to get it ready to prime. The bottom side was easier to do than the top (?) Surprised
Maybe I'll test fit it in a week or so. Some wrenches and a BFH should do it !

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the hood Empty Re: the hood

Post by pila Wed May 16, 2012 10:35 pm

The hood is finally primed & sealed. Seems like a lot of work for just doing a hood.......
the hood P1011066

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the hood Empty Re: the hood

Post by 77mali Wed May 16, 2012 11:22 pm


How long did it take you? Looks great.
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the hood Empty Re: the hood

Post by pila Wed May 16, 2012 11:46 pm

It took me about ten days, working on it between working on airplanes. Don't know the actual hours. I have to sand & seal the primer on the rest of the body yet also. May get the hood fitted this coming weekend. That's always fun !!! NOT! The hinges have to be adjusted where they bolt onto the fenders, as well as the hood to the hinges... Rolling Eyes

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