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seam sealer

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seam sealer Empty seam sealer

Post by bagpipe71 Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:11 am

has anyone used 3m brushable seam sealer -08656 ?

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seam sealer Empty Re: seam sealer

Post by thatfnthing Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:34 am

I bought a can and tried it. It works like it's supposed to -- it's a really thick paste that you can (kind of) smear on with a brush. However, I got just as good results from 3M's strip caulk and from regular exterior-grade paintable caulk from HD/Lowe's, with less mess. I'd say use it if you're going for a period-correct restoration, otherwise there's other alternatives that will be easier to remove later if necessary.

Just my .02

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seam sealer Empty Re: seam sealer

Post by 77mali Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:00 pm

I have used the 3m Brushable ...good stuff but don't go too thick in one pass or you might get pin holes- it likes to be built up in layers. Cut the brush so it's very short, like 1" (get a decent $5-$6 brush too). It will make the going easier & less messy because the brush fibers wont bend & you'll get more control. Will be using the strip caulk in various places too- if you have a/c you can use strip caulk to reseal around the big hole in front of the a/c housing and seal around the two copper leads from the heater core. I'm going to also use it as a "cushion" around the studs of the rear tail lights when re-installing up to the body panels, there's 1,000 uses for strip caulk. Both good products.

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seam sealer Empty Re: seam sealer

Post by bagpipe71 Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:00 pm

thanks for the help,got floor pans in and was thinking about using it,or bed liner, stiil don't know which i want yet.

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