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rust Empty rust

Post by bagpipe71 Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:58 pm

anyone use rust converter?

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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:00 pm

I've used it on smaller parts; i.e. brackets, shields, etc. Couldn't begin to make a claim one way or the other as to whether it's worth a crap over the long haul, however.
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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by 77mali Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:26 pm

Use Por15 or Eastwoods product. Can't vouch for Rustoleum, maybe someone else can?
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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by bagpipe71 Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:55 pm

thanks ,don't think anyone can vouch for them to much, don't belive they have been out forty years yet but i hope they help.

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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by 77mali Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:10 pm

A couple other members have posted favorable things about the Rusty Metal Primer and I've used it but I'm partial to the POR 15. If you get the scale off, you can paint right over the rusted surface and it will bond to the rust and prevent moisture from getting back to the metal. They do recommend 2 coats and the stuff is kind of expensive. I would get one of their other colors to insure even coverage. It's hard to tell otherwise if you get an even second coat. I'm using it everywhere and if I'm going to leave something black, I'll use the silver as 1st coat and vice versa. You will still need to prime over it for a topcoat and the stuff is not UV stable. I would recommend you top coat even if it's the frame or the undercarriage.
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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by bagpipe71 Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:18 pm

por15 is what i was think of ,with brush on bedliner to top coat floors with?

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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by 77mali Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:21 pm

I will be doing that for the undercarriage with a self etching primer for over the por15. I am thinking of using a rubberized material for the sound deadening but have not researched which one yet. I think I've seen Dupliclor has one, Rustoleum, 3M, Herculiner...etc. We have a member hear who took his body to Rhino Liner when it was off the frame. There is a post here about, he did his front wheel wells too.
I think he has more pics in his other posts for his car too.
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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by JB2wheeler Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:35 pm

Do not put "self etching" primer over POR15! It is made for use on bare metal and contains an acid. Instead use Epoxy primer. 35 years ago I used "rust converter" on a 71 Impala I had and it worked great. It was made by a name brand company which I forget the name of. Oops, It was Extend! JB
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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by 77mali Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:39 pm

JB2wheeler wrote:Do not put "self etching" primer over POR15! It is made for use on bare metal and contains an acid. Instead use Epoxy primer. 35 years ago I used "rust converter" on a 71 Impala I had and it worked great. It was made by a name brand company which I forget the name of. Oops, It was Extend! JB

Should have been more specific JB, thanks. Por15 makes a self etch that is safe to use over the Por15 paint. Or they make a "Tie coat" primer.
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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by ant7377 Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:47 pm

Rustoleum works well with the rusty metal primer and its cheap. Use gloss black its stronger seem to be tougher. POR 15 should always be top coated if it will be exposed to sunlight at all. It has no UV protection. Even your chassis should get some sort of top coat.
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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by 1973chevelle Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:00 pm

We use rustolium on ALOT of stuff, and no problems yet
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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:37 am

I like the Semi-Gloss Rustoleum alot, too. Seems to lay down a nice, hard coat that holds up well. I always remove as much rust as possible by disc sanding and wire brushing first, though. Someday, I'll invest in a portable sandblaster for smaller parts.
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rust Empty Re: rust

Post by ant7377 Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:03 am

I like to use the semi gloss under the hood. Its great for brackets and stuff like that.
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rust Empty Re: rust

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