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How do you take the rear bumper off?

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How do you take the rear bumper off? Empty How do you take the rear bumper off?

Post by 73 Guy Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:32 pm

Hey im trying to strip the paint off my car and dont think ive ever messed with the bumper on my car before (73). I want to take the rear bumper off by myself, and was wondering whats the easiest way? It looks like I could try to fight and get some wrenches up in there at the bumper brackets inside the chrome bumper, or i see two large brackets from the bumper assembly that bolts the frame with 2 bolts on each side. That seems like it would be the easiest way, but also the heaviest/ most dangerous way for one guy. What do you guys think?

73 Guy
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How do you take the rear bumper off? Empty Re: How do you take the rear bumper off?

Post by Limey SE Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:03 pm

To take the rear bumper off for you dont loose toes place a wood block on a jack to support the weight ............ and take the two upper and two lower bolts off from each side

this is not a a 73 bumper but it will be the same take the nuts off each side and it will slide out of bumper shocks

How do you take the rear bumper off? 11411a20

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How do you take the rear bumper off? Empty Re: How do you take the rear bumper off?

Post by Joe73 Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:48 pm

I have a 73. Take the nuts off the 2 rear most bolts and leave the bolts in the holes. Then loosen the front nuts so they're hanging on by a thread. Put 2 milk crates, stacked, under the license plate. Then climb under and lift the bumper up slightly and remove the 2 rear bolts and let the bumper lay down on the crates. Then remove one of the front bolts, then remove the other side. When your taking the last bolt out just pivot the bumper brackets towards the ground and the crates will support the whole thing. Real easy actually. But yes, its heavy. Let the crates carry the load. Dont forget to disconnect the license plate light.
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How do you take the rear bumper off? Empty Re: How do you take the rear bumper off?

Post by 73 Guy Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:53 pm

Thanks guys. I guess I thought I was going to struggle getting a wrench on the hard to reach side of those bolts. It looks like ill just have to use to wrenches to make it in there.

Here's my view:

How do you take the rear bumper off? Photobucket-29592-1327285977959

How do you take the rear bumper off? Photobucket-34476-1327285977473

Plus I found this on my trunk floor:

How do you take the rear bumper off? 2012-01-22_18-35-00_710

73 Guy
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How do you take the rear bumper off? Empty Re: How do you take the rear bumper off?

Post by Laguna Budman Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:52 pm

I would take the whole assembly off bumper support and all. Spray everything down good and if it's still tough heat em up a little. Take your time and it will work out.
Laguna Budman
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How do you take the rear bumper off? Empty Re: How do you take the rear bumper off?

Post by Joe73 Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:23 am

Oh, I see what your trying to do. Your killing yourself. Unbolt the bumper from the chassis. The 73 bumpers bolt to the SIDE of the frame. The bolts are real easy to get to. You'll see 2 bolts on each side of the chassis. Way easier to get off. Then you'll see how to swing it down like I explained above. Even if you do it your way and just take the chrome off, you'll still have the frame work blocking your way. Take the bumper off with the brackets, you'll be happy you did. Dont forget to disconnect the plate light clip which is in the trunk.
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