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no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts????

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no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts???? Empty no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts????

Post by dragnrider9 Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:09 pm

so i was looking at kenny wayne sheperd's new 72 charger that has the rear bumper sunk into the body and thought about how that would look on my malibu so i didi some little crappy drawings to see... want to know you guys thoughts????no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts???? 20111212no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts???? 20111213

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no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts???? Empty Re: no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts????

Post by JB2wheeler Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:50 pm

This is not my usual thinking, but I love it! But you would have to have a 73/74 Laguna front end to make it balance out. JB
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no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts???? Empty Re: no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts????

Post by zot Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:58 pm

I think it would look pretty cool. Might have to explore that a little more in depth!
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no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts???? Empty Re: no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts????

Post by dragnrider9 Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:30 pm

ya my car is a 74 so i think after some pushed in front bumper work and that. maybe shaved drip rails it would be pretty sweet.

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no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts???? Empty Re: no rear bumper mod? what are your thoughts????

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