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Frame to body mounts help

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Frame to body mounts help Empty Frame to body mounts help

Post by wokrdan AKA BU Balls Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:58 pm

So I've got the poly bushing body mount kit and figured out where everything goes, but my hardware has gone to crap (i.e. twisted, corroded bolts and metal bushings.) I went to Fastenal and got 14- 7/16" bolts with washers that match up to the width of the old ones. four of the poly bushings I know are just supposed to set on the frame, and the other 10 are supposed to mount to the frame. My problem is, two of the 10 have a larger hole in the bushing than the other 8. I've found sleeves for the bigger ones to fit in the bushings, but my only concern is putting a 7/16" bolt in still leaves alot of room for play. I also need to know how long the sleeves need to be as I am cutting them from a steel pipe. Also, the directions that came with the bushing kit don't make sense as a few of the bushings have the larger end under the frame rather than on top. If anyone has installed poly bushings, please shed some light on this for me.
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
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Frame to body mounts help Empty Re: Frame to body mounts help

Post by 77mali Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:11 pm

Can you return them? I've read several post on here from folks who were not happy w/ the poly kits. OPGI sells these, they're flippin' expensive but just a thought.
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Frame to body mounts help Empty Re: Frame to body mounts help

Post by 1973 454 MONTE Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:15 pm

still no hardware........ kinda pricey
1973 454 MONTE
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Frame to body mounts help Empty Re: Frame to body mounts help

Post by 77mali Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:32 pm

Yes it is but i priced an NOS set of just the radiator core support bushings w/ hardware & they were $75.00. Parts place has them for $25, aftermarket. I can only imagine what an NOS set of body bushings would be. Unfortunate...can't imagine they cost a alot to make. One of those hi margin items for the distributor I'm sure, not easy to find either way.
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Frame to body mounts help Empty Re: Frame to body mounts help

Post by Laguna Budman Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:08 pm

I've told you guys what I used (and they worked ) and were alot cheaper. I try and post on here and help when I can or show progress and I get nuthin! I don't get it, did I piss someone off or what.
Laguna Budman
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Frame to body mounts help Empty Re: Frame to body mounts help

Post by 77mali Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:14 pm

When? Recently? If they're alot cheaper maybe someone can make a sticky for these in Tech under suspension???

Last edited by 77mali on Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Frame to body mounts help Empty Re: Frame to body mounts help

Post by Laguna Budman Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:18 pm

Ya 68-72 Chevelle conv. body mounts. I think I paid 95 bucks for the set. The conv has the right number of mounts we need for our cars cause its a conv and they need more mounts.
Laguna Budman
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Frame to body mounts help Empty Re: Frame to body mounts help

Post by wokrdan AKA BU Balls Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:54 pm

I ordered the 68-72 Chevelle body mounts and ended up with 2 extra mounts, yet no hardware. (They are also the poly ones too) They fit in the slots perfectly on the frame, but I'm having to MacGruber the hardware using sleeve inserts I found at Lowes (in the first pic) and 3/4" pipe for the other ones (in the 3rd pic). My only problem is the amount of room inside the spacer for the bolt to move around. The only other thing I can think of to solve this is to fill the sleeves up with JB Weld and then drill a hole through to fit the bolt.
Frame to body mounts help Img_0613
Frame to body mounts help Img_0614
Frame to body mounts help Img_0615
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
wokrdan AKA BU Balls
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