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Build Sheet and Window Sticker Reproductions

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Build Sheet and Window Sticker Reproductions Empty Build Sheet and Window Sticker Reproductions

Post by Tom77 Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:00 pm

Was at a show today and a guy there was telling me about a place to get these from. I thought he said something like HRC or something like that. He said it was like $65 for all. Has anybody heard of this? I should have wrote it down but I didnt.
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Build Sheet and Window Sticker Reproductions Empty Re: Build Sheet and Window Sticker Reproductions

Post by 74MonteCarlo Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:03 pm

Reproduced mine in Microsoft Excel.

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Build Sheet and Window Sticker Reproductions Empty Re: Build Sheet and Window Sticker Reproductions

Post by yogreasygramma Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:47 am

Now this is something I'd be very interested in, but how in the heck is anybody supposed to know what equipment your car came with if GM didn't even keep those records?! You can't tell what options a car came with by only the VIN or even the buck tag.
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