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Post by Mcarlo77 Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:25 pm

So...after watching our gas prices top out around $4/gal, they had dropped to about $3.37/gal a week and a half ago. All the media and economic pundits were claiming the worst was over and prices would continue to edge downward, giving the economic recovery the boost it finally needed. Well, today...after the third hike in 10 days...we're back up to $3.89/gal. So much for the economic boost...

On top of this, the latest employment (or, should I say unemployment) data is showing the job growth in June to be dismal at best...and, the worst in nine months. Just more evidence that these economists are completely clueless as to what's going on out there on Main Street. We're in unchartered waters here, folks...
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