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Which is largest?

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Which is largest? Empty Which is largest?

Post by JB2wheeler Mon May 23, 2011 1:24 pm

An easy guess. JB [img]Which is largest? Which_10[/img]
G3GM Fanatic
G3GM Fanatic

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Which is largest? Empty Re: Which is largest?

Post by The Dude Mon May 23, 2011 1:55 pm

Fifth gen Camaros are pigs. Obviously different engines & options will have an effect, but compare these numbers & see what I mean:

First gen
Length: 184.6 inches
Height:51.0 inches
Width: 72.5 inches
Wheelbase: 108.0 inches
Weight: ??? (guessing around 3,000 lbs)

70 Camaro
Length: 186.6 inches
Height:49.9 inches
Width: 72.9 inches
Wheelbase: 108.0 inches
Weight: appr. 3300 lbs

78 Camaro
Length: 195.5 inches
Height:49.2 inches
Width: 74.4 inches
Wheelbase: 108.0 inches
Weight: appr. 3600 lbs

Third gen
Length: 187.8 inches
Height:49.8 inches
Width: 72 inches
Wheelbase: 101.0 inches
Weight: appr. 3100 lbs

Fourth gen
Length: 193.58 inches
Height: 51.2 inches
Width: 74.1 inches
Wheelbase: 101.1 inches
Weight: appr. 3500 lbs

Fifth gen
Length: 190.4 inches
Height: 54.2 inches
Width: 75.5 inches
Wheelbase: 112.3 inches
Weight: appr. 3750 lbs
The Dude
The Dude

Street Cred : 48

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Which is largest? Empty Re: Which is largest?

Post by JB2wheeler Mon May 23, 2011 3:25 pm

So the 5th generation Camaro has the same weight and wheelbase as a 74 Laguna! JB
G3GM Fanatic
G3GM Fanatic

Street Cred : 28

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Which is largest? Empty Re: Which is largest?

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