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whats the length of a stock 1974 el camino drive shaft and how is it measured?

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whats the length of a stock 1974 el camino drive shaft and how is it measured? Empty whats the length of a stock 1974 el camino drive shaft and how is it measured?

Post by Sam_snead01 Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:53 pm

whats the length of a stock 1974 el camino drive shaft and how is it measured?

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whats the length of a stock 1974 el camino drive shaft and how is it measured? Empty Re: whats the length of a stock 1974 el camino drive shaft and how is it measured?

Post by 74chick Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:09 pm

You measure it from center of the u-joint caps. As I was schooled.
My Big block has a 400 trans and shift that is 56 1/2 in long.
A th350 will be different. 2in longer I think. Question
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