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77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap

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77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap  - Page 2 Empty Re: 77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap

Post by alleyball4 Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:30 pm

there's a guy parting out a 73, the next state over....maybe that might help??

here's the link:

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77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap  - Page 2 Empty Re: 77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap

Post by Limey SE Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:48 pm

Psychlonic wrote:Limey, exactly - that's all I'm asking for. Doc Larry linked me to a picture of his spoiler build so I've got an idea as to how I'm going to do that, but am I missing something obvious that would make myself not have to reinvent the wheel as far as the normal body parts go? Doc larry's spoiler is late 2nd gen Camaro (76-81) and you have to split the corner piece in half then form to the car then fill with fiberglass

. I've tossed the idea of using 73 Camaro tail lights on a custom 77 tail panel, sort of similar to what Doc Larry did, but I don't think that looks nearly as good as the stock 73 rear end.
Them tails were from a ZR1 corvette Panel not a camaro as well.......... And it would be easier to fill the 73 big window to a opera window size than to change a to a 73 rear end

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77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap  - Page 2 Empty Re: 77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap

Post by anthonyalessi74 Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:57 pm

I have the inserts that change to opera windows on my 74, don't need them, & am in Hillsboro, OR.77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap  - Page 2 Vqs4gBb

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77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap  - Page 2 Empty Re: 77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap

Post by 74MonteCarlo Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:01 pm

It's amazing that GM was able to get away with that.

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77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap  - Page 2 Empty Re: 77 to 73 Malibu Trunk/Taillight/Rear Bumper Swap

Post by dragons_lair59 Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:11 pm

why? had interior plastic and exterior metal just glass in middle. GM jsut devised a away to use existing bodys to meet minor design changes and in the process made it optional for guys like us to customize our rides with out having to be a pro body man. and they saved a butt load of cash in the deal
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